Our local medical group has a website where you can view all your test results. They sent an email suggesting to log in to look at some new features. Anyway, I was browsing through all my different test results, noting the “out of range” results. A1C=6.6 (should be <5.7) Glucose=137 (should be 70-99) Triglyceride=234 (should be below 150) HDL cholesterol=33 (should be above 40) 183lb, at 5’10” could stand to lose a bit 75 years old. This number is awful, way too high. Not sure what to do about it. So far these are the only bad numbers but my blood chemistries are always off like this. They’ve moderated some over time but still always off, despite medication. They’re not as bad as they used to be. My triglycerides came back once as so off the chart high, they couldn’t get a reading.
Before my visits to local ER and being admitted into hospital, my numbers for Sodium Level was 124 and GFR (kidneys function) was 22. After ER/Hospital stay, Sodium Level is now 134 and GFR 57 from blood labs done this past Monday at hospital/ER I visited.
Same with my wife, 7 years out now (well, except for bone density loss caused by hormone therapy). Keep up the good fight.