I don't dream much anymore and yet the last few nights I dreamt I was long distance running--without a cane! Maybe God has plans for me. It would come in handy sometimes. Walking could too.
I dream alot and I wish I didn't. I might feel more rested in the morning, if I didn't dream so much.
I had some weird high-anxiety dream last night that put me in a foul mood for most of the morning. I was driving my car to some class I was taking, but in the dream my car was an electric vehicle and I ran out of juice. I was thinking as I was driving "The school is too far away for me to be driving this electric vehicle." There were 2 people there...someone I unfamiliar to me, and Raymond Burr. Raymond said he would give me a lift home, which was appropriate because I used to own the same model Continental as one he drove in Perry Mason episodes. Then I'm in that classroom and the instructor has done a painting of flowers that covered the entire white board. I have no idea what the class is even for. Next I'm on the street in the small town that the school is in and I walk into this old time arcade place, and I start playing games, aware that I'm missing class. One of the classmates walks by and says that our assignment for tomorrow is to do some volunteer work. I realize that I should be in class instead of screwing off, and I go back briefly, then I'm in my car driving home, trying to figure out what community service work I could find and execute in the remaining part of the day. Then I woke up, frustrated and angry, and stayed that way for several hours. I hate that crap. I don't drive EVs, and I don't skip class.
I don't know. Just the feeling of missing a class and the assignments that were handed out made me frustrated. It was weird. I never cut class. Not too long ago I had a dream about my last job that left me pissed off. That boss was highly political and would throw anyone under the bus for the next step up the ladder. (I don't dream about old work much at all.)
I think I posted on this thread that dreams are a way to let us go quietly insane in our sleep so that we can keep our sanity during the day.
Ha! I used to have the same recurrent dream---about missing classes. In my dream I never went at all after the first day, and lived in terror for the rest of the term, hoping I would end up with an automatic W instead of an F. Afraid if I ever went to class a 2nd time the opportunity to get a W would be gone.
It's a weird legacy anxiety. Makes me wonder if pre-modern era peoples had similar dreams. Maybe in their dreams they're in battle and forgot to put the tips on their arrows or the strings on their bows. Or their arrows bounce off their enemies, ineffective. Or their horses stop and won't start.
I had a horrible recurrent dream late into my adulthood that I never actually graduated high school and kept thinking they would repossess my college diploma.