What will Give Me Smooth Heels again? I've used Arnica Salve Vicks Vapo Rub Salve.... Very shhort help.
Every 3 to 4 days or so: A very warm (but not too hot to step right into) foot bath. Water, finely ground oatmeal, Epsom salts, baking soda, and dandruff shampoo. Soak for at least a good 15 minutes, use a stiff brush with a long handle to scrub the entire foot but especially the heels, include and even up the calves. Front/backs, tops/bottoms, toes/nails. Soak 10 more minutes, scrub again. Soak 10 more minutes. Total soak time at least 30 minutes. Towel off, air dry well at least 15 minutes. Any good moisturizing hand and body lotion, fancy or generic. Slather it on thickly. Very thickly. Clean dry cotton socks over that and do not remove them for at least 12 hours. Optional: Tea tree or eucalyptus oil, full strength. Saturate the toenails right through the socks, trying to drip under the ends of the nails and into the cuticles and left and right nail margins. Lots of oil, maybe close to 3 full droppers per foot. Not an instant cure but you might be surprised. Even 3 treatments can work wonders. Once you make progress you can back off on the frequency.
Joy, order some of these (or get them from a local pharmacy.) CLICK HERE After your bath, dry your feet well, apply a thin layer of Vaseline or any foot cream on your heel(s), and put them on. If you wear them on both feet, be careful walking because they can be a little slippery unless you have a carpeted living area. They work great and can be tossed into the washing machine. If you can get a pedicure, the technician will soak your feet and use a pumice stone to remove dead skin, which will help heal the cracks.
joy...i 've also dealt with dry cracked heels...i am now trying castor oil... i appreciate the practicality of your post and will get to see other's suggestions
Hand lotion works on dry and cracked hands, so put it on your heels daily. It soaks in and isn't messy, and your feet will smell nice.
I have heard that Crisco is a good remedy, too. Apply a thick layer, put your feet in plastic bags and put a pair of socks on over the bags. Leave on for a couple of hours.
I have had jars of coconut oil at my bedside and have slacked off, to try other stuff an NOW I have a jar of CO and I'm usuing on heels 2 times day...We'll see...I'm home bound so no pedicure, sadly. Thanks all....