More than a third of people think that single people and gay couples should not be allowed to adopt children, according to a report published today. More than three-quarters - 87 per cent - of those who object said they think children need a male and a female role model.
I do not see any real harm in single person adopting a child. But do think that in order to keep balance that mother and father should be of different gender. Male and Female- there is reason for that
Male and female there's a natural reason for that to create a human life ( test tubes et al aside).... but is there any good reason for a child to be raised by one parent of each gender?...I'm playing devils' advocate here. During the war men were away fighting for years...women were left to raise the children usually along with a grandma or female members of their families... . Millions of men didn't return home, and these children grew up in homes where there was never a male influence, did it make a huge difference to them?...did they all morph into lesbians or homosexuals?..lets' face it, a male and female parent don't have any kind of sexual intimacy in front of their children, so why would a same sex couple's relationship have any kind of bearing on a childs' psyche...particularly in these days where it's a much more acceptable society long as the parents ensure the child has access to some kind of same sex bonding ..whether that be an aunt or uncle..grandma, or grandad..
I agree. And there are plenty of children the come from families that have the traditional set of parents that are messed up. In fact that's were some of the gay people came lesbian best friend had very normal and good parents and yet she's a lesbian and was even when I knew her at 10 but then we just thought she was a tomboy.
No matter if a person is gay or lesbian, we simply don't like it. Of course, that's our opinion. We don't like seeing kids raised with gay or lesbian parents either.........I sure wouldn't want to be. Thing is, not all school mates want to understand and there can be problems for the child of a gay or lesbian couple. Bullying can certainly happen.
In a 'perfect' world we would have Mums and Dads, not 2 Mums or 2 Dads Its a saying I use often, its a crazy world But - kids will adopt to this change - no choice
I feel if they're in a loving stable home that's all that matters. There are so many messed up hetero parents out there ...drug addicts etc...Id rather have a stable home even if it is 2 dads or 2 moms.
The family unit, as it is anatomically, psychologically and historically proposed, is nearly a thing of the past. We know that adult women and men are built differently, not only in basic stature but chemically and mentally as well. As a unit, we each have a purpose which is ensampled by our physical traits but now, the western world is standing at the precipice of a moral and ethical dilemma which denies the existence of those traits. Men and women were, at a time, both role models to their children. Men taught the young males and women taught the young females the things they would need to know throughout their lives in order to be successful and mentally organized in basic life and also as role models to their own eventual unit. That is not to say that women and men cannot and have not played both parts in raising their young, but a whole, complete education comes from both sexes, not just one. When one sex is missing, the child must look outside the partial unit to find the needed companionship and education which, as we also all know, can be somewhat disastrous. i.e. adolescent gangs There is no denying that good adults were brought up by a single parent or as it is now, same sex parents. But there is also no denying that those adults will continually say that something was missing during their childhood. Do they experience love? I am certain that they do but love isn't the only element that is needed when rearing a child. In my own opinion, the de-sexification of the western world will soon come to an impasse and the end result will not be a pretty one. The statements that include the fluidity of gender gives added confusion to an already chaotic time when a child has questions concerning their own sexuality. Elton John is rich and is a fine and talented entertainer but is he really the role model I would wish for my own child? No, the same as I would not encourage the use of cocaine just because Obama did and still became president.
Thing is, Chrissy, we really don't know just how "stable" these lesbian or gay couples are that have kids. We don't live with them. We also don't hear how much, if any, crap the kids go thru during the school years and later. Since there are very few interviews with gay or lesbian raised kids, we really don't know how their personalities turn out, how much they do get hassled or how being raised this way affects their lives. There are those that simply wouldn't understand or like, knowing their girlfriend or boyfriend was raised by a gay or lesbian couple. It could be odd bringing up the fact that "my parents are gay (or lesbian)" to a possible boyfriend or girlfriend, let alone meeting them.
I think it's not such a big deal in today's world and kids don't really care that much about someone's parents being gay. Most of the gay couples that adopt are pretty stable and well off and have been with their partner monogamously. So..decent people. I'm sure they'll do the best they can raising their child. Most of these gay parents have relatives and friends that are not gay so the child will see male and female roles..which really aren't that traditional anymore even in a hetero household. There's no study that shows kids from gay couples end up gay. My friend ended up gay and she was raised in a very normal stable traditional family. friend has 2 daughter's and both are Heterosexual. Her oldest is named Roberta Christine....that's her name and my name, lol. She was never called Roberta though..always Bobbi.
A lot of country folks, just don't think "open minded" about all the things that go on. I was never brought up to be "open minded" about everything. That's one of the things I didn't like about living in So California, so many there push people to be "open minded" to everything. Pretty much the same feelings go for every big/major city in the U.S.. I always say, "the more I'm pushed to accept something, the less I will".
Bobby summed up my thoughts and personally, I prefer the 'ideal world' version Gay or not, you cannot guarantee a happy, stable childhood - I certainly didn't have it, but glad I had a Mum and Dad as useless as they were at the title