Escape The Coming Night, By David Jeremiah

Discussion in 'Faith & Religion' started by Denise Evans, Jul 28, 2023.

  1. Denise Evans

    Denise Evans Supreme Member

    Sep 26, 2015
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    This is a book I bought a few years back, and now I'm reading it again. I forgot what a good read it is, and I'm headed over to read Revelation again, the last book of the Bible.

    The intro the Escape the Coming Night just jumped off the pages at me and I want to share it here this a.m. I was so amazed how David Jeremiah paraphrases his words, and tells how it's all in Revelation. It's true too because I've read and re-read Revelation. Whether you believe the bible or not, the book of Revelation speaks exactly of what our world has become, and been moving towards for a long time. Here's the intro so you can read the intro to Escape the Coming Night if you care to ;) Denise PS I guess it's bigger print if I put pics of it so I'll do that instead of attachments:

    intro 1.JPG intro 2.JPG intro 3.JPG
    Joseph Carl and Ken Anderson like this.
  2. Joseph Carl

    Joseph Carl Veteran Member

    May 26, 2019
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    Glad you've rediscovered the facinating topic of eschatology. I too have just recently become aware of how current geopolitical and culural events are pointing towards end times events prophesied in many parts of the Bible. It's more interesting and relevant than most people realize and helps keep one's priorities and concerns in perspective.
  3. Denise Evans

    Denise Evans Supreme Member

    Sep 26, 2015
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    Hi Joseph, I can't agree more, it's helped me to re-read it, I feel so different with that hope it gives, the prophesies of the bible, especially what Jesus revealed to John. It makes me so less afraid of the craziness in the world.
    Joseph Carl likes this.
  4. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    I was just listening to a short video presentation by Bo Polny, who is an investment analyst, and bases his information on Bible Prophesy, and just on the Bible.
    He is saying that we are at the end of the oppression of America, but before that happens, when the old regime of oppressors fall, it means that their whole financial system is about to collapse first.
    He pointed out as an example Jesus crucifixion and then how he was resurrected in 3 days. Those days must have been the worst in the lives of his disciples, seeing Jesus arrested, tortured and then put to death.
    Bo said that America has to go through a similar type of death so we can have the resurrection, which is pretty scary.

    We have all heard the advice to buy gold and silver, but many of us do not have finances to do that, and it makes me wonder what God has planned for those of us who are poor .
    Will we just die when this happens, or will God make a way for his followers who are not able to set aside wealth to make it through the financial collapse, or whatever disaster provokes the collapse.
    Here is the video, for those who are interested.

    Don Alaska and Denise Evans like this.
  5. Denise Evans

    Denise Evans Supreme Member

    Sep 26, 2015
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    Hmm, that gets my attention that Bo bases his info on Bible Prophecy. But I can't remember, is he the one that's stuck on September 23? The bible talks about all the events but never mentions a date, I don't think? Never got much into the so-called "hidden" codes in the bible though either ;)
  6. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    He is not stuck on that date, but in the video he explains why he thinks that something big is going to happen around the end of this month.
    The interesting thing about September 23 is that so many of the movies and television series about some kind of a disaster show it happening on September 23, or in that time frame, like 22-24.

    Since that video was not Christian-based, I put it in the conspiracy section of the forum, so that people who are interested in how this date is shown in so many places can watch that video.
    Bo is also on David Nino Rodriguez website, along with Juan O’Savin, and I plan on watching that later on today. (

    He also has the short version on his youtube channel.


    Attached Files:

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  7. Denise Evans

    Denise Evans Supreme Member

    Sep 26, 2015
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    This was a good video @Yvonne Smith although I've been feeling I need to get ready, for what I don't know, but if this United States has to die in order to be resurrected, I am trusting God with it all. I think a lot of folks like me do not see a way top just heal our country, but it being basically destroyed makes some good sense imo. I don't really want to die in some horrible way (is there a good way, lol) but if it's God's Will then I will rest in that. It's amazing how the numbers make sense as Bo explains them, the time-lines etc.

    I don't think God would allow anyone on Earth to hit the nail on the head time-wise, but God can do anything He likes right. I'm certainly counted as a more poor financially person. But I see myself as "rich" in many ways. I believe God has the plan, even for those of us too poor to really prepare for devastation of our country/world as we know it. It will be each of us on our own at some point.
  8. Denise Evans

    Denise Evans Supreme Member

    Sep 26, 2015
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    I did realize that after watching the whole video, sorry I jumped the gun @Yvonne Smith. I also checked the upcoming video and am subscribing to the Rodriguez site. I want to watch that one too. Thanks for the link as all I had was the video that showed on the first video ;)

    Are they saying that Trump is annointed because I can believe that easily. Jesus chose unlikely people to be his disciples, they were very human just like us. I have a Rembrandt print on my wall of the Apostle Paul because he was mocked and hated but he was God's anointed as well. It's rather uncanny how much hate there is toward Trump, and he's not the best behaved, but if God chose him than he would be hated, spit on and arrested. But it ain't over yet is it ;) All are going to meet their maker and be judged one day, and we best have Jesus as our Representative in front of God the Father.
    Don Alaska likes this.
  9. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
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    Mar 6, 2018
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    It is interesting that he chose a date so near in the future. Most "prophets" choose a time when no one currently living will still be around. The environmentalists learned that lesson when the predicted in 1969 that every would starve by 1985. That made them realize they had to "predict" for dates far into the future. This man doesn't do that--very brave to hang his credibility on something so close. I also found it interesting that he used the Jewish/Hebrew calendar and Yom Kippur as a significant date for prophecy, as well as Purim (which I think most Christians don't even know about) as another significant date.

    We'll see in a week and a half what happens....
    Denise Evans and Yvonne Smith like this.

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