Explaining The Unexplainable

Discussion in 'Health & Wellness' started by Martin Alonzo, Jan 19, 2016.

  1. Martin Alonzo

    Martin Alonzo Supreme Member

    Mar 7, 2015
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    Homeopathic medicine has a good or excellent track record of curing people but the medical system claims it is quackery or just a placebo effect. There is basically 5 Laws of Homeopathic medicine. I will try to explain two.

    Well let us look at what’s going on there is certain laws that the Homeopathic medicine has one is the Law of Potentization. They take a substance like rose they make a tincture and then diluted that to a point where not one molecule of the original substance exists. Than when this is given to a healthy person it causes a symptom. They then note that symptom this has been repeated thousands of time till they have proof that this substance produces the same symptom in different people. They have a medical book with all these symptoms and what med caused it. This is a establish fact but cannot be explained by medical science.

    Another law is the Law of Similars. Science has proven this one if you take two waves of equal size and they are counter to each other they will cancel each other. If you take a sound wave and play a sound wave exactly the same it will cancel the noise. The military uses this to make helicopters that are silent. What ailment you have produces symptoms and if you give a homeopathic med that also produces the same symptom the ailment disappears.

    Medical science will only go with things that can be measured all other things are unscientific by their belief. So love, hate, life and are unscientific because you cannot measure them one second before a person dies and one second after the body is the same the only thing different is life has left the body [Elvis has left the building] That sole, sprit or whatever cannot be measured so they must by their own science must be incorrect.
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