OMG how greedy some folks are..while others really need the help . Lottery winners on food stamps
Yep, the way it is and the way it will continue, unfortunately. Like it or not, the word "greed" is all too "alive and well".
The fault mostly resides with Government that lies when they stand up these programs and puts forth the "widows & orphans" messages just to guilt us into getting on board, and then it grows into "If people say they have need, we won't verify it." Government is fine giving lottery winners public assistance. For Government, that is a victory. For Government, it increases the lie that so many people are "in need of Government." Just last week I had a guy approach me in the parking lot of a grocery store wanting to pay for $10 of my grocery purchase using his food stamps so that I'd give him $10 cash to buy cigarettes. He was actually pi$$ed when I said No. I was locked & loaded, but didn't pull the trigger on him. I don't think it's greed as much as it is Government-created corruption. It's a corruption of truth, and a corruption of people's souls.