That is an .. "East African zebra which was stuffed and mounted by Dr. James L. Clark of New York for the University of Nebraska, 1933." That's what it says in the caption of the photo on one website ??? The East African zebra (Grévy's zebra) is the largest of the 3 species of zebras. Edited to add: . It doesn't say WHEN the zebra was stuffed. It sure fooled me.
How much?......$99.99 per Lb. Zebra steak is one of the leanest meats you can buy. With an average 0.5g of fat per 100g, there are few meats that can compete with that. Add high levels of protein, zinc, iron, vitamin B12 and omega-3 fatty acids and you have the holy grail of nutrition right there. Red meat full of protein and the extras that help use that protein in your body. A 100g slide of zebra steak will include 175 calories, 0.5g saturated fat, 28g protein and 68mg cholesterol. But what does it taste like? It tastes a little sweet and a little gamey. It is difficult to describe while doing it justice. Think of a light steak with a very subtle sweetness and some of the richness of game and you won’t be far wrong.
Just like my sheep! They have this huge full pasture but only eat tasty morsels so the rest goes to worthless seed.