As hurricane Mathew starts across Haiti the people who have suffered 7 magnitude earth quack a few years back and raised billions of dollars all around the world to help them and then given to the Clintons to distribute the money. This is more money that the gross national product of that country so you know it will be of great benefit. The money disappeared and the Haitians were left with trying to build their own shelter which is no match for a category 4 hurricane. There has already been deaths caused by this hurricane. We all need to pray for these people who have been robbed and now face with one of natures greatest threats.
I have seen the news on CNN last night that 300 had perished in Haiti due to the hurricane named Matthew. And after an hour, the number was increased to 500. In Florida, there was only 1 casualty as per the latest in CNN last night. And if that issue about the donated money for the earthquake victims in Haiti did not reach the intended beneficiaries, it looks like the Haitians are cursed, huh. The video of the typhoon were so candid that I almost felt the cold and wet surroundings. What a pitiful sight.