I do not understand: .... How we can find water on Mars but can't seem to find it in California. .... Why people without kids have to pay a school tax. .... Why would a person living in a glass house Want to throw stones? .... Why it's bad to want to keep all of the money you earn, but good to take what someone else has earned. .... Do blonds understand blond jokes? .... Why are there no blond Polish elephant jokes? .... Along with hand grenades and horseshoes, would it be too much to ask that the area in a circumference be included? (ha, betcha can't get that one!) What do you not understand?
Why do liberal gun control freaks think it's morally superior to be a dead victim rather than an armed survivor?
Well, in a way I understand why individuals without kids pay school taxes because education is important to our communities. What I don't understand is why money that is allocated to go to schools or even healthcare is taken to be used somewhere else by a state government. For that matter I can't understand why those who do such a thing don't have charges brought against them because this is just wrong, at least in my opinion it is.