I Have Had Many Jobs

Discussion in 'Jobs I Have Had' started by Martin Alonzo, Aug 31, 2015.

  1. Martin Alonzo

    Martin Alonzo Supreme Member

    Mar 7, 2015
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    Starting out it was in market gardening.
    Pumping Gas and playing mechanic
    Working in a factory making vermiculite
    Working in a factory who made heater motors for cars and induction motors
    Working in a factory who made heat exchangers fin tubing.
    And lastly working for Ford motor company which I retired from.
    A few things I worked at as a hobby. Had my own store selling tropical fish.
    Became a register hypnotherapist. Taught applied physiology at a community collage.Taught woman self defense community collage.
    Also taught Judo and had my own dojo
    This ended up giving me a good education on a lot of things.
  2. Ruth Belena

    Ruth Belena Veteran Member

    Jan 28, 2015
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    That list looks like a lifetime of valuable experience. Your "hobby" jobs are particularly impressive.

    My list of jobs is longer than yours:

    Office work for an Insurance broker
    Clerical work in an editorial office for publisher
    Admin job for a local social services department
    Typing job in spares department for manufacturing company
    Part time sales assistant
    Deputy manager in a bookstore
    Retail Manager/selling books
    Door to door sales/charity fundraising

    My list of hobby jobs:
    Running a mail-order dating service (pre-digital era)
    Making and selling natural herbal products
    Publishing a poetry magazine
    Writing articles
    and my present occupation as a freelance content writer
  3. Tom Locke

    Tom Locke Veteran Member

    Apr 17, 2015
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    A bit of a mix:

    Clerical work in the Civil Service
    Computer operator (in both public and private sector)
    Computer programmer/systems analyst/IT trainer (public, private and charity sectors)
    A (mercifully) brief spell at an insurance company
    Tax compliance
    I've worked as a volunteer in three African countries
    Freelance writer
    Author (one factual book published and a novel in publication)
    Cryptic crossword compiler

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