Sign. Many years ago I started learning to sign thanks to a hearing and vocally impaired gentleman I knew at the Atlanta Union Mission. Since then, I have cracked a few books now and then to improve on what I had learned but it just doesn’t have the same learning experience that comes from a one on one type of tutoring.
I wish some immigrants would make an effort to learn English. We have two Spanish speaking radio stations and a newspaper in Spanish. Assimilation doesn't seem to be on some of their minds.
I took my daughter to the Bill Rice Ranch, Tennessee for a retreat after she found Cathy Rice's Deaf Sign language videos. She worked hard on both, being autistic but learned a lot. I am not sure if they are still open to hearing people.
Y'know, I think I'd like to learn Italian. It could be very useful in relieving tension. A normal discussion of the weather in Italian tends to sound like negotiations for WWIII have gone awry. I could be out on the sidewalk discussing the storm yesterday with my neighbor and could come inside feeling like I had just had an hour of Extreme Pilates.
I would like to learn Southern USA English with a focus on Cajun. I do know that bawlin means boiling and New Orleans is something like Nawleans.
I probably would learn French if it took 5 mins or so as I love that language but I also love Spanish...
My son in law thinks I should learn English. He is always correcting me, My daughter calls him 'Roll Eyes' he always rolls his eyes when things get complicated. yep,