I retired and went sailing the Caribbean I left Canada motored through the Erie barge canal and into the Hudson River. This was quite an experience for a person who hardly ever travel all his life. Down the Hudson River ending in New York then out into the Atlantic and down the coast Delaware Bay and from there working the way down the inter coastal water way to Florida Lake Worth then crossing to the Bahamas. Entering the Bahamas the immigration came on the boat I told him that my passport was out of date and was going to get a new one in Nassau he told me that he could only give me permission for 60 days and then smiled and gave me a year and all the other permits, and fishing licence and it was $16 last time I went through the Bahamas it was $300 for six months times and attitudes have changed. I had a great life living on the boat sailing the Caribbean for some 6 years. One sailor coined a phrase sailing is hours and hours of peaceful bliss dispersed with moments of sheer terror and I have had booth. I can tell you that some of the best times of my life were sailing and some of the most terrorizing were on the boat. I finally ended in The Dominican Republic where I sold my boat and moved ashore it is not as terrorising anymore.
So do you get Soc Sec from the US or aren't you old enough? Bet your money if dollars goes a lot further there.
I am 73 now and have lived here 14 years I'm Canadian and get Canadian and a ford pension but now the Canadian dollar has dropped it is getting a little harder but I can handle it. If you want to live like a Dominican it is real cheap to live here.
That's right, sorry you did say Canada. When we lived in Hungary from 1997 to 2003 it was great. My husband got paid a very good american salary and the average monthly pay in Hungary then was about $300 a month for a worker. We felt like millionaires and we lived very well. I had a live in housekeeper who also cooked, gardener, chauffeur. We could eat out every day and did for the first year til we bought a house. Those were the best 6 years of my life. We helped my husbands relatives who lived there. I also became good friends with my housekeeper and I helped her buy an apt in Romania. So, we did live well but also helped quite a few people. My housekeepers son and daughter lived in Romania and I helped them financially. For her son, I bought an expensive (for them) saw because he was a wood cutter and needed it. Also bought him pigs or goats or sheep, forget which so that would also bring him income. Romania was even a poorer country than Hungary at the time. Romanians would cross the border to Hungary to work.