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It Goes To Show That Violence Exists Even Without Guns

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Don Alaska, Apr 1, 2018.

  1. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
    Staff Member Senior Staff Greeter Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    You're a pure Democrat, Ed. You can't think beyond banning stuff and getting rid of people.
  2. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    A wool sock with a bar of soap in it is a quite effective weapon.
    Personally, I think Ivory soap should have been banned long ago.

    A heavy book has been known to do considerable damage when one is in the clinches also.
    Yet another reason to ban books.
    Don Alaska likes this.
  3. Ed Marsh

    Ed Marsh Veteran Member

    May 30, 2020
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    Good morning to all-
    Ken, for your information, I'm not a pure ANYTHING.

    And I never said anything about banning people. I said only that we can't do that.

    And when you get right down to it, aren't the Ten Commandments about banning a lot of stuff? A whole lot of "Thou shalt not..."

    There's nothing wrong with banning "stuff" as long as it's the right stuff banned for the right reasons..

    I reckon we might see some thing differently, but I also reckon we might see a lot of things along the same lines.

    you all be safe and keep well- Ed
  4. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
    Staff Member Senior Staff Greeter Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    Every one of them speaks to behaviors, not tools, and when our hearts are in the right place, this is policed internally. That's what we have too little of today, and yes, that was planned.
  5. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Mar 6, 2018
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    A few years ago the preferred murder weapon in Chicago was a baseball bat. The sport should be banned! Going along with @Bobby Cole's comment, combination locks in socks are also effective. I think we come from a similar background there. Socks are the common element though. Unnecessary apparel item that shouldn't be allowed.
    Bobby Cole likes this.
  6. Ed Marsh

    Ed Marsh Veteran Member

    May 30, 2020
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    Good afternoon to all-
    Well, gentlemen, I believe we're talking about different things here. To tell the truth, some people don't need any weapon at all to kill others. But it would be very difficult I believe, for anyone to kill a bunch of people in a very short period of time with a lock or bar of soap in a sock. Even a baseball bat as a weapon would not be useful for killing numbers of people in a short period of time.

    I'm referring to guns which allow long distance shots and very rapid fire. these are very good for killing lots of people quickly.

    I know and regretfully accept that there will never be any ban of guns of any kind in our country- as I said, too many people are making too much money from the rampant sales of all kinds of guns.

    But there's no reason for concerned citizens to sit silently and let the carnage go on. At least we can holler and tell the world the truth so many refuse to see. Too many guns. Too many guns.

    you all be safe and keep well- Ed
    Tom Galty likes this.
  7. Alice Williams


    Feb 4, 2024
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    Yes, if they are so intent on banning guns, they're going to have to ban baseball bats, knives and any other objects that can do harm to someone. They never seem to consider that it might be the people using the "weapons" that need to be dealt with.
  8. Mary Stetler

    Mary Stetler Veteran Member

    May 30, 2021
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    I was debating via email with a Milwaukee business owner who wrote to all his account holders after a school shooting saying we need to take away all guns. It was a long debate. It ended when he pulled a foolish statement out of his hat taking something out of context that I said. I want to know why all guns need to be taken away from all law abiding owners instead of people not hollering but contributing to school fortification on their own instead of waiting for the government to do it. If it is so important fix it! This government is pretty much worthless.
    Ken Anderson likes this.
  9. Ed Marsh

    Ed Marsh Veteran Member

    May 30, 2020
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    Good morning to all-
    I am a gun control advocate- but I have never said that ALL guns should be banned from ALL people. I have no problem with legitimate hunters and recreational gunners having and using their legal hunting and sporting guns. I have no problem with farmers and ranchers having and using guns to protect their livestock from coyotes and feral dogs- I've done this many times myself.
    But I do have a big problem with the military style high volume, rapid fire weapons- long guns and handguns- so easily accessible to damned near anyone who can get the cash together. These weapons were designed and built to kill people- lots of people- very quickly. Civilians have no need of such weapons.

    And it's a sad comment on our culture when we must speak of "people not hollering but contributing to school fortification..." I don't disagree with Ms Stetler's statement, but things have gotten to a strange place when we think of schools as being "forts" Most of the schools I taught at were designed and built to give the community easy access to the school. Now, schools must be built to limit access and keep the world out from the school.

    Too many guns. too many guns. Too many crazy people with guns.

    you all be safe and keep well- Ed
    Tom Galty likes this.
  10. Mary Stetler

    Mary Stetler Veteran Member

    May 30, 2021
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    As the 2nd amendment was written after our war with England to break away from an almost tyrannical government, it was not only to allow guns for food but to allow the overthrow of governments out of control. We don't need to use them until but need to have them until. And if someone in breaking in, it is faster to get one's handgun in some cases than to get one's shotgun (as the only gun Biden recommended we have).
    I am kind of old and not fast anymore and I am glad neighbors have guns if we need to come together in a breakdown.
    See Venezuela.
  11. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Mar 6, 2018
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    The government in Venezuela will be easily able to crush any resistance. They scrupulously disarmed their populace under the Socialist regimes. That is what Hitler, Stalin and all other dictators (and wannabe dictators) do. They have been coming for our guns for years now and many fools like some here encourage them to do just that.
    Teresa Levitt and Ken Anderson like this.
  12. Mary Stetler

    Mary Stetler Veteran Member

    May 30, 2021
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    Some of their national guard are removing their uniforms. The poor Venezuelans have been under dictatorship with fake elections for over 25 years because they have no guns.
    Don Alaska likes this.
  13. Tom Galty

    Tom Galty Veteran Member

    Jan 31, 2018
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    Do you still need guns when you have a standing Army??

    Mary Stetler and Don Alaska like this.
  14. Mary Stetler

    Mary Stetler Veteran Member

    May 30, 2021
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    5 men tried to steal a car when the owner was stopped at an automated gas station here in Wisconsin recently. The car owner was armed, unbeknownst to the theives. Police heard the shots, two blocks away and took after the thieves as they escaped but they were two blocks away, not at the site. The gun owner needed to defend himself because no police were there. After an accident, only one of the thieves was caught so far.
    You are your own first line of defense, if you choose.
    Vada Bloom and Don Alaska like this.
  15. Vada Bloom

    Vada Bloom Very Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2023
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    Last week a woman who lived less than a mile from me was found murdered in her home. She was a professional educated person. Her neighbor saw her front door standing open early one morning. Her garage door was open as well and her car was gone. This was unusual so the neighbor immediately called police. They entered the home and found her body.

    She was originally from Iran and an active and outspoken gun control advocate. She worked with young adults. The police are very tight lipped and so those of us who are interested in crime in our neighborhood don't have much info from them. We don't know if there are suspects, if the car has been located, almost nothing via the police, just her name, her origin, her job and from other sources her politics as they related to guns. She demanded guns be removed from the public square.

    She was not shot. She had no way to defend herself and she was stabbed to death.

    If only people could understand it is not the tool, it is the hate in the heart that causes violent crime.

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