Our fire was October of 2022. We're still dealing with the effects of it. It's hard for those who haven't experienced this to understand how it bothers you. My only suggestion is be a good listener, and encourage them about their future, they'll need something to hang onto.
I thought I remembered this, but my memory is really concerning me lately. Thank you for the advice and will do.
@Marie Mallery & Jake Sad to hear about the fire , at your brothers / in-laws home , I know for a fact it’s devastating to be left with nothing. I remember wanting to repair some clothing (move / sew buttons on clothing that was given to us ) and as a sewer all my life I didn’t even have a needle and thread to do that or a simple pair of scissors ✂️
Our house burned down when I was 5 yr. Old, 1955, mama lost everything, most important to her were family pictures.
@Jake Smith, it saddens me to hear such news concerning your son's situation. There is lots of support for him there and we are here to support you.
Thank you, Von; It's my oldest brother though, who lost his house to fire, not our son. I am thankful to all of you here; for your "support and kindness", too.
"Don't be Von", it's fine; I've made quite a few mistakes here, and everyone has been helpful in correcting me, y'all kept me straight. When I first read it, I thought "oooh", wait, what thread am I on. Then I figured it out.
The latest news we have on my brother, is their living on the lot, for now in their camper, waiting for insurance inspectors to be thru with investigation, into what caused the fire. She said they think the hot water heater may have caused fire. The only good news which isn't the "best" news, is; Their house over the last 30 years or so, had been sinking at foundation, caused multiple problems for them, with the whole house; so they had been sinking money; $20.000.00 so far, to have their foundation raised back up; so a lot of their personal belongings were in their storage shed, when fire broke out, which saved them. We asked what their plans were; rebuild or what? And our sister in law, of my other brother, who Marie was speaking with, said they not sure yet; just trying to get through with investigations, and move on.
Sad they just spent $20,000.00 on foundation then the house burns down,although it could've been much worse, not just stuff but they may have been in the house too So thank goodness it was sinking,huh?