I also had to milk the cow, but that was a chore and not a job for which I was paid. I thought it was gross, but I would entertain myself by squirting some of it at the cats, who would hang around for it.
Watching cows get milked at the 4H fairgrounds behind my house was why I decided that I was through with drinking milk.
LOL I was provided free milk fresh from the bulk tank that I scooped out with my stainless steel milk pail. I was thorough at cleaning udders and equipment but would not take any milk if there was a fly in the filter after I was done with clean up. Many funny stories while I worked there.
I've never been fond of milk, and this may have contributed to my dislike. It didn't help that Mom insisted on leaving a film of creamy scum floating on the top, arguing that it was good for us. I use just enough milk on cereals so that it's damp and a small amount when I'm scrambling eggs or for cooking, but that's about it. Whatever's left in the bowl after I've finished with the cereal gets dumped
That is exactly me. People who put the cereal bowl to their lips to drink the residual milk are nails on a chalkboard to me. Funny that I'm just entering a struggle with this. I need to start getting more dietary calcium to help with kidney stones...calcium supplements do more harm than they are good and nothing has near the calcium in it as milk does. I picked up a gallon today, but I need to find a way to flavor it without using chocolate & cocoa (both bad for stones). I cannot drink it straight. I'll post a comment in the food area to get ideas. I can still see that piece of straw floating on top. No, thanks.
How about strawberry quick? large amounts of bio available calcium in dark leafy greens and broccoli. I don't drink milk any more. But I loved the fresh whole milk back then. I know what else happens to milk. I also worked at a grade B farm (cheese). But I get one kind of cheese.
Does anyone else have anything to share on the topic of "jobs" they may have had before their first real job, which might include things that you did to pick up a few dollars as a child?