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Discussion in 'Games & Riddles' started by Louise Williams, Dec 11, 2017.
never estimate Steve doing nothing R E E G G
Republicans empowered each gift giver. S D H T R
Steve didn't hit the republican E T T E N
Expect the truth except nonsense. T E H T E
Tom eats half the entree M S F E E
Morris should film eleven events S D M N S
stop driving mother's new sedan P G S W N
Please get some water now. ETERW
Entertain the electrolyte rain water . ? N E E N R
Now everyone even needs rain. WENSN
Wish everyone's niece studied nursing. H S E D G
horses stopped eating dead grass S D G D S
Seems dead grass doesn't satiate. S D S T E
Straw doesn't seem to entice. W T M O E
will the mothers omit everyone L E S T E