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Discussion in 'Games & Riddles' started by Louise Williams, Dec 11, 2017.
Northern England people dig golf. N D E G F
never disturb eleven girls fighting R B N S G
Regular bathing now smells good. R G W S D
regular goings with Steve driving R S H E G
Rabbits should halt eating grass. S D T G S
Steve didn't take good sardines E T E D S
eliminate the events down south E E S N H
eleven eels saw New Hampshire N S W W E
New South Wales weather's excellent! W H S S T
Wait ..has Steve seen trains T S E N S
ten sweaters eliminated needed sewing N S D D G
Nathan said, "Did Doug giggle?" NDDGE
never doubt David's girls eating R T S S G
run through some sweet grass N H E T S
Nathan had expected this success N D D S S