Medical Theory Failure 2

Discussion in 'Health & Wellness' started by Martin Alonzo, May 28, 2015.

  1. Martin Alonzo

    Martin Alonzo Supreme Member

    Mar 7, 2015
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    Heart disease is the number 1 killer disease in the US and it seems the medical system wants to keep it that way.

    Let’s look at some of the different types myocardial fibrosis this is one of the sudden death heart attacks it is the one which many kills athletes. Like Reggie Lewis 27 year old of Celtics after his first heart attack they brought in what was called the dream team of cardiologist paying them a billion dollars each to find a cure. They quickly went through all their drug books and could not help he died of another heart attack. God has a sense of humor because the head of the cardiologist die of the same thing a little later. If they would have looked up Keshan Disease they might have saved his life this has been known for over one hundred years. They would probably say well he is not from China but the disease is the same where ever you are it is a selenium deficiency.

    The disease got its name from the province in which it was, Keshan, China. Since its discovery, it can also be found in New Zealand and Finland. Keshan disease results from a selenium deficiency which is a nutrient we receive in our diet from eating foods that were grown in selenium enriched soils. Because of that factor, Keshan deficiency can be found anywhere that the level of selenium present in the soil is low. An individual with Keshan disease will have an abnormally large heart. Keshan disease can also lead to higher rates of cancer, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and strokes. In addition, an individual can experience eczema, psoriasis, arthritis, cataracts, alcoholism, and infections.

    There are many parts of the US that are mineral deficient map

    Take note that selenium and mercury are antagonistic which means they remove each other so if you find in your area there is some selenium but has more mercury the mercury will leach out the selenium this also applies to arsenic.

    Also if you have gluten intolerance which Mayo Clinic say 33% are your ability of absorption goes down.

    Next group of heart attacks are caused by blood clots which are moving through the blood stream and cause heart attack or stroke. These can be prevented by taking omega 3 fatty acids. The medical system wants you to take rat poison or another drug to poison the system. In cases of thrombosis you might want to take something to dissolve the existing blood clots like nattokinase which is from Japanese cheese and dissolves clots better than any drug.

    Congestive heart failure the cure has been known for over 2 hundred years and they still keep giving drugs. A Japanese Navel Surgeon found the cure for Beri Beri Which has many different symptoms but one is congestive heart failure which is cause by a vitamin B1 deficiency. This is a lot more common than the doctors believe. With gluten intolerance and the inability to absorb vitamins and minerals it is getting worse.

    A-fib this is another doctor baffling disease because they are looking in the wrong place for the answer. If you hit your elbow [funny bone] the hand burns stings or even pain but the problem is not in the hand. It is normally accepted that pain in the legs and feet could be traced to sciatic nerves or spinal stenosis. When the heart starts to go erratic it is a problem in the spine and not the heart. Usually the person is shorter than they were 20 years old or had a back injury and the nerves are being pinched or aggravated at the spine.

    Last is the big lie that has killed millions/billions of people is cholesterol there is no disease caused by cholesterol and the same amount of people die of heart attacks from low cholesterol than high. The people with the highest cholesterol are the Massai, Inuit, Rendille, Todelau, and the Inuit have cholesterol 350 - 500 and the least heart problems. The FDA told doctors to get their patents off statins because they increase the diabetes by 52% and dementia [Alzheimer’s] by 100% not only the heart problems have not reduced but the diabetes and Alzheimer’s has increased.
    There is more money it treating symptoms than on curing follow the money.
    Yvonne Smith likes this.
  2. Jenn Windey

    Jenn Windey Supreme Member

    Jan 22, 2015
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    Doctors have what are called practices, which means they are practicing the art of medicine on the patients. I have been to doctor after doctor for things that one person will say is an issue and the next will tell you not to worry about it. Technology has made it so that the machines and the tests that they run today are so sensitive that you can think you have something that will kill you and in the end it will turn out to be something benign.

    In the end I think what you are saying is true, it is what you eat and what you get in your diet that makes a huge difference. The other major factor seems to be what you are willing to do for yourself. Once you start to age and weaken you have to be mindful to try and stay active and in shape. It is hard when you hurt but it is very important. The idea of use it or lose it is so true. I think it is a mistake to think medicine can cure everything, sometimes there are just things that the doctors miss no matter what tests they run.
    Yvonne Smith likes this.

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