Ken, you said you leave food on the porch for the stray cats. Is it possible that some other kind of critter is opening the door wider to get to the food? Raccoons, for example, can open doors.
I leave the sliding door open just a bit for the ferals, but that's enough for the raccoons to get in too. They would not need to slide it open all the way. I don't usually leave food there at night because I don't want to attract raccoons, although I might sometimes if Ella and Bubba leave a bunch of it uneaten.
This insulting video begins in Millinocket, and all of the sections of the video that took place in Millinocket are within a few blocks of my house. It shows him on my block, a few houses to the north, then my house is edited out, and he picks up about a block south of my house, where he makes a right turn. He also doesn't mention that he took a wrong turn to the right at the Congo Church when Route 11 was to the left. In town, it's known as Central Street and Katahdin Avenue, so I can understand the confusion. All of the places he goes to are places that I know well, however, except the ones near the end. I've been in these towns but don't know them well.