Sorry to say but it's true. When I sold my house in 09 and moved to the apartment I know they stole at least two boxes. My entire dish set except one small plate and three saucers were gone. I also know I wrapped a lot of things in vintage linens so those went to. My brother had his entire n-gauge train set stolen and when he was in the Navy he said people had boxes of CDs and other items stolen. If and when I move again, I will move all my belongings myself and then have the movers just take the furniture. Ever have movers steal from you?
Yep . We moved a lot when my ex husband was in the Navy approx every 12 to 18 months or so ...we used different movers all the time, never the same company and every single one of them ''lost'' a few items... a couple of boxes of this or that or a single large item like a large expensive Vase etc .... every single time!!
@Holly Saunders we also 'lost' items on every military move we made. They also 'gifted' us with bags of trash and one time, a small branch with leaves on it. The move from the UK to California took forever since they decided to send our stuff to Alabama first, where it sat around till they found it 4 months later.
Sometimes Movers are moving more than one Family and they may end up unloading some of one family's boxes at the other family's home. It would seem the other family would report that they have a box or two of stuff that doesn't belong to them...but then if they like what is in those boxes they just may keep things and say nothing at all. Other times I have to agree some Movers may keep a few things too.
Well in truth...given the amount of times we moved while in the military, then we should have at least once ended up with someone's elses' stuff if that was the case Babs...but we never did... !!
We did get a few boxes that weren't ours a couple of times. We always called the Movers and had them come get them. Each person's moving experiences are different, but I do agree that some Movers will keep some things...and break things too...even though they were supposed to know how to wrap and pack things so that wouldn't happen.
Yep has happened to us, unfortunately took weeks for me to realise If I ever move again I will check the van before they leave
When the movers came to the house, I set the kitchen trash can just outside the back door on the step. You could not mistake it for anything other than trash. It was outside so I thought it was safe from being packed. Wrong. You hope for the best and in the back of your mind, expect the worse. Biggest problem was usually the kids being without their 'comfort' items for so long. The wife was better at explaining it the them than I was. Another 'job' of the military spouse. Which brings up the point that military spouses are never thanked enough. They do a lot of the 'heavy' lifting...
@Babs Hunt We moved from California to Washington state with a truck that was probably multiple family, as far as I know we got everything. Where my items were stolen was an in county 40 minute move. It was theft for sure. @Tim Burr That's certainly adding insult. Luckily never had anything "gifted" to me. But like I said, the only thing they will move again is furniture. Hope I don't realize a dresser is missing!
I sure wish I had thought of checking. I know my boxes were either in the front of the truck or under those blankets they use in the back. My suspicion is they got two boxes. It could have been worse than my regular dishes, they could have got something else. I miss my dishes but while actively trolling thrift stores for plates I scored these incredible Mikasa high end plates for twenty five cents each at Salvation Army. Dummies didn't recognize them for what they are. You are sure right about taking weeks. Most people don't unpack immediately. And in my case being a single woman no way would I make a case. They know where you live and that's one thing these jerks know they have in their favor.
I have only used professional movers once, when we moved from Texas to Maine, and that was a company set up by an organization set up to rehabilitate drug addicts. They were very good, and we didn't lose anything. They got here a day before we did, and got a hotel room to wait for our arrival, moved everything into the house, and set our furniture where we wanted it.
Although my daughter didn't notice anything missing in their recent move from Texas to Louisiana, she was very upset that this Professional Moving Company that knew how to pack things so they wouldn't break...ended up breaking some of her Grandmother's china that she had inherited. Her printer was also broken along with the drawer on her writing desk. She was really upset about those broken china pieces...especially because she had specifically talked to them about making sure the china was packed carefully so none of it would break. It seems many people now days don't care if they do a good job or not. Look at how even UPS workers are stealing packages or dumping them out of their trucks because they don't feel like making the deliveries.
Oh no @Babs Hunt That is really awful for your daughter. It doesn't sound like they were careful at all. This same thieving duo also took a decent size splinter chunk off my small china cabinet I have had for years. I wish they had just told me and given me the splinter. I could have glued it on. Of coarse I didn't notice this for a few days. Again, things they rely on. @Ken Anderson I'm glad your professional move was a success. I've worked with former drug addicts and many are very determined to go and stay clean.