Ordered My Power Supply For My Puter

Discussion in 'Gadgets & Tech Talk' started by Thomas Stillhere, Dec 14, 2022.

  1. Thomas Stillhere

    Thomas Stillhere Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2021
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    Not to be disturbed I ordered a new power supply for my new motherboard and processor. A little less than a hundred dollars but a good brand. I am sure the motherboard took out the power supply because it was working fine until it shut down and one or two restarts. Then of course I finally started trouble shooting and found the broken pin on the motherboard socket. Already wrote here about the circumstances and I will probably have it back up and running with everything new again. That power supply that was damaged was pretty expensive and I hated to see that I basically lost everything in the machine. I won't ever buy another used motherboard because this dead one cost me a heck of a lot of money. I will go ahead and get the faster memory around the first of Jan when I see it runs good again.

    I have three good AMD machines and haven't really been able to enjoy them. The only thing about Intel products that I would like to have is that high core count but AMD graphics uses a different format and the thread count is their version of core. Coming new year I plan on concentrating on getting large hard drives for 4 machines. My weak point has always been not having large enough hard drives due to my downloading so much. I have been working on my little tank game for about two weeks and made some really good progress taking it step at a time. I run into problems and just stop and figure it out and eventually it works as it should. I have a 20 Tank game on a large top view game map and got all the most important things finished today. For a 2d game it is pretty nice.

    I made a fuel counter that works for all the tanks enemy and friendly so it adds a lot of good game play to have to worry about running out of fuel as well as 12 enemy tanks that want to ruin your day. With the fuel clock you can't sit and wait for the enemy or vice versa because you could run out of fuel. I have a lot to add yet and already have the actions working in another previous game. I have random artillery in the map and it can take out both sides and your fuel and rearm points. I plan on making it multiplayer, but I will probably make it with a roaming enemy, also scouts that direct the enemy to your forces if they see you. It plays well on a mid range PC nothing special. I don't care anything about gaming on small handheld devices. I just build for the PC.
    Beth Gallagher and Mary Stetler like this.
  2. Thomas Stillhere

    Thomas Stillhere Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2021
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    Update 26 Dec. The power supply was not bad and it appears the motherboard is DOA. It does absolutely nothing, no fans, no post no screen.....nada. I am hurting so bad tonight I can hardly sit here, the lower back and neck are just killing me. I plan on going to bed after I post this. Last year I purchased two new motherboards for my older computers so I could upgrade. They came from china and took a month to get here, both were DOA. I got reimbursed for one direct back to my checking account but they managed to screw me out of the second board and got real nasty even after their help department had already authorized to repay my second board. So I do not buy anything from ebay today tomorrow or any other day.

    I don't plan on filing warranty on this new dead board because it isn't worth the hassle and frankly speaking I don't want to kill myself over a silly computer. I did not get the board or processor I had initially wanted and used the older processor with a better chipset. Unfortunately all the good boards are out of stock now and the prices are way too high. I feel pretty sure I will eventually get a better board and cpu and have what I wanted to begin with. Until that time I plan on getting some new large storage and use the two new computers I already have.

    Sure enough I had said before on this repairing a dead computer I did not want to remove parts from my two good computers both identical in every component. So I removed the two sticks of ram I had been using to boot this dead board and reinstall them to my good machine. It booted once and then said it had a problem and was gathering information and for me to reboot. I rebooted and it never booted again. I have two identical monitors for two identical computers, I could not get this good machine to boot again. I told myself I had a bad graphics card so I took the good one out of the machine that is down to the DOA motherboard and installed it into this other good machine, it booted finally and told me the ram should be changed to the second and fourth slot which I already knew. It restarted and was normal except for an incorrect clock setting. I updated the graphics drivers while I had it running and all is now back to normal. I am sure the graphics card I removed is fine and all 3 are identical and have very limited use on them. I figure the ram might have been in the wrong slots but that had nothing to do with a dead motherboard. I will just rest a while and order a better board when I find one that is not coming from China. I can't deal with anything else direct from China. Long as I have to wait for the right parts I will be sure and get what I wanted to begin with. Both power supplies work and they run low rpm due to them being pull type supplies they don't work when power is not needed. So at this time I have a spare 750 watt power supply that works, a new processor that is the same as these two working new computers, the only thing I don't have is a working motherboard. I am out 118 dollars for that board and thought it would be a good buy to get that machine up again without breaking the bank. I just had total rotten luck. And now I lay me down to sleep.
    Beth Gallagher likes this.
  3. Mary Stetler

    Mary Stetler Veteran Member

    May 30, 2021
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    https://www.walmart.com/search?q=computers desktop&typeahead=computers
    Wow. Sorry about your bad luck. Have you ever looked at walmart.com? Will they ship to you?
  4. Thomas Stillhere

    Thomas Stillhere Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2021
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    I spent the past 12 hours finally resolving a win 7 desktop icon that had no space used but not able to delete it. I tried everything recommended in Microsoft's bag of tricks and I even ran a complete disc check which took 8 and a half hours to complete.

    Still no love after my drive was given a clean bill of health. I kept at it thinking about the long file name I had attached to it and was lucky but found an online recommendation to delete the ghost using your command prompt and a few short letters to show your "in my case desktop"... I found the icon in question and followed the instructions to take the name applied to it by windows which is not the long name I had applied to it but much too long and over the long file name max. It deleted the file on my desktop that was just suspended forever had I not been reminded about this long file name issue with win 7. I had a similar incident several years ago but it was not a single file on my desktop but a folder with long filename etc.

    My game engine I use to build 2d games is set to edit my work every 7 minutes and it edits every change I have made while having the engine editor open and working. It is me making the file name much too long when I save a session, but I do that so I know exactly what I have done over the last session and what problems I have and changes to do when coming back to the file to work again. So now I know not to give the long long file names to the save. There is no warnings with the game engine because most people would be using win 10. I am happy to finally get rid of the doggone irritating empty ghost and all I wanted to say is if you have an issue like this it usually has a fix, you just have to keep searching and you will find an answer. It doesn't mean everything can be fixed to keep you from having to reinstall your system, only don't give up too soon. Now I can go back to work knowing what to heck was wrong. By the way there is a tool to change long names. Just search for it
  5. Thomas Stillhere

    Thomas Stillhere Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2021
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    It only took 5 months to finally have my really nice computer up again. First motherboard was a dud. I ordered a better quality board and it worked fine. The really good news was I did not have to do anything for windows 10 to see all the hardware changes and it took a few moments and a couple reboots after missing 5 months of updates. I find it amazing that win 10 could start up knowing that all the hardware changed from Intel to AMD. I haven't had much experience using AMD and the bios on these new boards, it took me a few minutes to figure out where things were and I finally stumbled through until I had the right RAM speed set up. I need to thin out the software now because I have the same titles on all four computers and it is just wasting space. Now I am ready to get a new joystick and try out my Steel Beast simulator. I haven't checked my stockpile but I might need to buy another HDMI cable to enable me to use 2 computers same time. I like to be able to read information on one and do the work or tutorials on another. I don't know when I will get around to it but I need to buy two of those large size plastic bins so I can get all my spare tools and parts into so I don't spend hours looking for something. I had an open tube of silicone heat sink and couldn't find it. I am tired but not as tired as I was the first time I installed that bad board. One other thing that was nice was the new motherboard was here about 5 days early. I wasn't expecting to see it until around the 6th or the 7th. It is cold and rainy outside but I will sleep good tonight. I wanted to work on my little game and I am too tired to do that.
  6. Thomas Stillhere

    Thomas Stillhere Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2021
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    I was able to buy the Processor I had intended to use 5 months ago to repair and use all AMD parts, but then had that misfortune of buying a cheaper motherboard and it was dead on arrival. It wouldn't have been so bad if I had the other couple things I needed at the same time. Postage and shipping were all very slow and it put me back two months in repairing. I finally bought a better board and used the RAM from another new build that I build a year ago just to get this other one up and running. It worked fine and I was able to have it running really good but then I ordered the CPU I had wanted 5 months ago because they were in stock again. Got it this morning and better RAM also. So I put it in and fired it up and all went well until windows 10 started screwing around uninvited and attempted to update my video drivers which they had no reason or right to do since it was private property not leased from microsoft. It did manage to wipe out the AMD drivers and the software used to make settings and oversee the graphics card setup. I spent the entire day trying to stop it from going black screen intermittently and also each time I tried to re install the proper software and driver for my graphics card I would get an error from the driver. I kept wasting hour after hour and finally reinstalled all the motherboard drivers, then let windows do every update it needed since the last time I had it running. Still get a error with the video card and black screen. I went into the bios and noticed it was running full overclock which I had not done anything that I know of to get it to overclock, it runs plenty fast enough for me. I was not able to turn it off because the controls are so convoluted and foreign. I got hungry so I called it quits for the night and tomorrow I will just pull the battery and reset the bios and it should start up in the normal speed which is 3.70. It can be clocked up to 4.60 but I don't need that. I much rather see some cool temperatures than hot. I haven't restarted the other machine that I had borrowed the ram from to get this other one up but I should have no problems because the computer will never know it was missing. Now I have a machine with 32Gb of RAM and plan on putting 128 using all 4 slots, the unused Ram I can use in the other two machines. I am as tired from working on that computer as I once was when I was installing an engine or transmission. Just totally worn out. I was having my dinner a few minutes ago and my poopie cat was standing at the big gallon water bowl I keep for all the cats. The cat suddenly started rolling around on the floor and biting it's stomach just going crazy. I grabbed the cat and calmed it down and felt of the belly but found nothing and the cat was alright but now it has me wondering if it was a seizure like the other cat had but different. This same cat did something very similar just yesterday again and I couldn't see if the cat was jumping off the little perch I made for them or what but it got a claw hung up on the wall and was twisting something terrible but it got straight and was alright with no damage done. It makes me wonder if the cat is having seizures but just different from the other cat. I have not sprayed anything toxic since the other cat was sick and he recuperated very well. The difference in this cat tonight was it was biting it's own self and had his head really bent over to his stomach. I know they have fleas on them but find it hard to believe a flea bite would stress them that bad. I'll have to keep an eye on the cat and see if this was just a coincidence that two strange things happened in two days. The cat has not felt well for some time now and lost appetite and his coat is not pretty like it once was. All those other younger cats I feed from outside look very good, shiny and clean and never sitting around scratching like my indoor cats. I wish I could let them outside for a while but if I did that they would run off and be dead, they are spoiled and look forward to their meals on time and clean fresh water 24/7.
  7. Mary Stetler

    Mary Stetler Veteran Member

    May 30, 2021
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    Diatomaceous earth might be a solution. You would have to keep petting and scratching the cats with it to get it through to their skin and they will groom it off with licking so you have to re-apply. But food grade DE will not hurt them if you can keep it from poofing into the air and getting inhaled much. It will hurt the fleas. (and your vacuum cleaner.)
  8. Thomas Stillhere

    Thomas Stillhere Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2021
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    I upgraded the first CPU I purchased last month to repair a down computer and then after the repair I got a better CPU and RAM. It appears there is a real conflict with Microsoft and AMD drivers and the AMD software. Windows continues to destroy the AMD driver install thinking it is an older driver. The result is it makes my computer and 100s of thousands of other users to not be able to use the computer. Mine just totally hosed my entire system 30 minutes ago by over writing my fresh driver I installed this morning and registry fixes to stop a timeout error on my graphics card due to all this crappy Microsoft service. For now there is no answer as far as using the needed AMD software.

    I am going to try and reinstall the windows driver which is the base driver AMD wrote to begin with, there won't be any update until the two giants get their heads together and fix this problem. You can't do much with a black screen when you're in the middle of doing something. I am really Peeved with Microsoft not only for doing this but for them trying to force the new windows 11 crap on my computer. They attempted to sneak it in just like they did windows 10 without your permission, they simply say "your update is ready" to install. Yeah right, here I am 4 days later and I still can't use my trouble free install I initially had before I turned on updates again. My first thing to do now that I can log back in is to turn off all Microsoft updates until AMD can provide a new driver that will stop all this silly stuff.

    I don't blame AMD it is Microsoft doing all this attempt to control or monopolize all of the computer industry. It went to court 20 years ago and they won over the lawsuit by buying up all the competition. The only suit they lost was over media player in the European market. EU forced them to pay millions and strip that media player from windows sold in the EU. That was done or they would not have been allowed to sell windows until it was done.

    It is really bad when you have so much money and time invested in trying to get your computer working, simply because people are not doing their jobs and just tossing out updates like it should work just because they forced us to buy another system when there was nothing wrong with the one we were using. This is the first time I have had this major of a problem and wouldn't you know I am using the best computer I have built in 30 years. Not the best but it is capable of doing what I do everyday. Now, time to turn things off in win 10 and see if I can get this thing able to use again.
    Marie Mallery likes this.
  9. Thomas Windom

    Thomas Windom Very Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2022
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    I used Mac computers and, to be honest I don’t remember the precipitating event(s?) now. I do remember being extremely pissed and sitting down one evening and removing everything on my computer I could find that had ANY relationship to Microsoft. I also remember telling someone I did it because I got sick of Microsoft trying to take over my computers. I downloaded an open source software suite and never looked back.
  10. Thomas Stillhere

    Thomas Stillhere Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2021
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    They don't communicate with all the hardware vendors about future updates and the consequences it can cause with a driver update Microsoft creates. It is a mess now especially with them forcing out win 11 without an invitation.
    Thomas Windom likes this.
  11. Marie Mallery

    Marie Mallery Veteran Member

    Jul 13, 2021
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    Hope you can get something done and all works out ok. I'm not good with any tech things.
    Thomas Stillhere likes this.
  12. Thomas Stillhere

    Thomas Stillhere Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2021
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    I have tried everything, mainly because I don't want to believe it might be another bad part I purchased. It all works fine like booting up and running until the driver for the video card hits a snag and then you get a black screen then it comes back with a notice that your video card had a timeout. I tried everything mentioned but no good. Now I also know this computer after the new motherboard I installed last week or two weeks ago can't remember, but it ran fine using that first slower processor I had bought just to get it up and back online after being down for almost 6 months due to back ordered parts poor shipping and lost shipping not to mention the dead on arrival new motherboard I first ordered. It took so long to find out the board was bad because I was still waiting for this first slower processor to arrive. It was over 90 days that I had to report the motherboard was dead out of the box but they didn't hesitate to refund the cost because they know by looking at all my receipts and purchases I was not able to use the stuff. So I fooled with this all day from daylight until 8:30 my time tonight and I am tired. I can't think of having so much bad luck at one time for one computer. I have read everything on the internet and they all are complaining of the same problem with this latest two drivers for my video card and win 10. One person deducted that win 10 was performing an update while his graphics driver was installing and windows hosed his entire system. I believe that because mine came near to that two times today. So I made sure updates were locked down and turned off for win 10 and installed the driver again and again and again without it running and I still get that black screen. It is terribly disappointing to know I have spent so much money and time and still have a very expensive computer just sitting here making a nice cat perch. I am at the point to where I don't even care if the cat sleeps on it because it sure isn't doing me any good. Maybe I should just bolt a cat tree on it and call it fixed.
    Marie Mallery likes this.
  13. Marie Mallery

    Marie Mallery Veteran Member

    Jul 13, 2021
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    Thomas if something goes wrong with ours, we can't fix it so far only replaced 3 and Jake still has his Chromebook and it works.
    Wish we could help you but we don't know enough to, for sure I don't and Jake not much better than me on tech things.
    Thomas Stillhere likes this.
  14. Thomas Stillhere

    Thomas Stillhere Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2021
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    I won't waste a lot of time and just say a lot of criminality is taking place. Microsoft has started forcing win11 software on your win10 updates which means they put the install on your machine and it stays there even if you decline it finding that tiny little disclosure that says decline. Unfortunately the damage is already done once they put that on your computer and at this time I have spent 7 days and lots of money to repair this machine I have been talking about in other post.

    I had it running good two days ago and I turned it on this morning and the system had been trashed once again by Microsoft and their illegal activity. At this point I have no working system do to a total destruction of the entire system which forces my graphics card to turn off acceleration and all the extras just to keep it from crashing. In this moment in time there are no drives for win 10 or win11 that will work on not only AMD hardware but also NVIDIA cards. The strange thing about all this was my machine worked fine with the new 3600 CPU that I bought as a temporary things until I got the new CPU that was back ordered. That 3600 ran on the 3200 Ram I had in another new build of the same two years ago. I got that back ordered better faster CPU and the faster ram and installed it and it has not been able to keep a driver from being destroyed by Microsoft.

    The problem with Microsoft update is that you cannot install the latest driver unless your win 10 has all the updates which guess what includes that win11 BS. I have no idea what to do with all this over priced crap I bought but I do know as this computer sits with that new hardware it is a total brick you cannot do anything with it, even opening a browser will cause a black screen. I have never seen such junk being forced on people. I am going to do some calling at the capitol in Baton Rouge and see if there is a special office to look into this theft that is going on. No one will step up and take the blame but they sure step up to take our money. Tomorrow I am going to install win 7 Ultimate on the machine and see if it runs well because I turn off all the update crap soon as I install it.

    This system I am using is the same and it has been solid as a rock. It won't take long to install it and see how it works out with this faster hardware. I shouldn't run into any driver issues since they have older drivers to download. Clearly this is squarely on Microsoft's shoulders trying to force their crap on people. I even as a final attempt allowed Microsoft to install my system new with all the updates and the black screen started first time I booted it up. 3rd time I booted it hung and I could not even get back in, had to reinstall it again. I have reinstalled about 5 times in the past 4 days. I don't plan on doing any more even if I have to file a lawsuit because like I said no one wants to take the blame and they do not return your questions or answer any mail you send. I know I spent 600 dollars in the past two months just trying to repair a once good machine, the bad part is, it is all new and unusable.
    Jenna Parnellson and Von Jones like this.
  15. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
    Staff Member Senior Staff Greeter Task Force Registered

    May 29, 2020
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    Have you ever played with the various flavors of UNIX? I have one Linux machine that is basically my backup for internet access should my main machine go down. I gotta have some way of finding a repair shop.
    Thomas Stillhere likes this.

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