Pet Peeves

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by Hal Pollner, Apr 14, 2018.

  1. Hal Pollner

    Hal Pollner Veteran Member

    Feb 11, 2018
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    I couldn't find any other categories that would be appropriate for this, so I'll just slip it into Off-Topics.

    One of my most disliked news scenes is when a TV reporter is interviewing the survivor of a major catastrophy, like a Flood, Fire, Tornado, or Earthquake, and he tells the reporter that he has "lost everything" in life, but says it with a SMILE, with an "easy come, easy go" attitude!
    That really bugs me!

  2. Patsy Faye

    Patsy Faye Supreme Member

    Nov 21, 2015
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    Does he ! ?
    Never seen that - only ever seen distress
    The thing that bugs me is when reporters ask inane questions like
    'where were you shot' ............. the victim is standing there with a big bandage round her head and she says
    'In the head' ............. :rolleyes:
  3. Cody Fousnaugh

    Cody Fousnaugh Supreme Member

    Aug 12, 2015
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    Well, let's see:

    Drivers who........ don't use turn signals, speed in and out of traffic, run right through stop signs (don't even hit the brakes), tailgaters (no respect for older drivers)
    News articles with misspelled words.......these people get paid enough not to make mistakes (use Spell-Check or check the words that are underlined in red (meaning word is spelled wrong)

    There are others, like where we live, but I'll end it here.
  4. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
    Staff Member Senior Staff Greeter Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    Mostly, I just “go with the flow” , so to speak and try not to let these kinds of things upset my happy little attitude. As Bobby always says, “life is what it is”, and being ticked off at someone else’s behavior only ruins my moment, and not theirs.
    That being said, there is one thing that usually does upset me (and even worse, it is something that I have been guilty of doing myself in years past), and that is people who unnecessarily use the handicapped facilities.
    Not so bad when it is just looking for a handicapped parking spot because I can usually walk, and if Evelyn is along, I can drop her off at the door and then find a parking spot somewhere.
    Most of the time, people who park there are legitimate, I think.
    But when I desperately need to use the bathroom (right now! ) at some store, and all of the stalls are empty except the handicapped one, and I have to wait until some teenager waltzes out of there, obviously NOT needing the handicapped stall....... then I am temporarily upset.
    Sad to say, I have even been known to give these people a dirty look.
    Patsy Faye likes this.
  5. Tex Dennis

    Tex Dennis Veteran Member

    Feb 27, 2018
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    Pet peeve here would be #1. People that think they know what they are talking about and telling others what they should do and really don't have a clue on it.
    Patsy Faye likes this.
  6. Cody Fousnaugh

    Cody Fousnaugh Supreme Member

    Aug 12, 2015
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    Ok, @Yvonne Smith and Bobby, you two are just too nice. There are people like that, as my wife can be like that, sometimes, as well.

    As with the Handicap parking spaces, it's just fact that many people simply don't care if it's designated for handicap people only. In fact, some would even say "that discrimination", being that they are designated for handicap people only. If that space is the only space available to park, a regular person will, without a doubt, park there. In reality, what I'd really like to do is call a tow truck and have the vehicle removed. "Take that you idiot. Bet you won't park in another Handicap spot again".

    Funny, but there are those that will also say that 55+ Communities are discrimination against those that are lower than 55.

    I've just never been that "laid-back" in complaining about something.
  7. Holly Saunders

    Holly Saunders Supreme Member

    Nov 16, 2015
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    One of my main pet peeves is no full description of on-line clothing.

    When a dress or a blouse is described as ''knee length or hip length ''... that makes me grit my teeth.

    Knee or hip length on whom?...someone 6 .2' or 4 feet 10''

    If manufacturers can state the width of an item of clothing..size 12 etc and can state the length of trousers and jeans.....then for goodness sake why can't they state the length of a dress or blouse? I simply just don't buy those items online for that very reason.
    Patsy Faye likes this.
  8. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    I didn't do that much when I was younger because going to the bathroom was rarely the emergency that it sometimes is today. That's one thing I never got over after going through radiation therapy a decade or so ago is the bathroom trips are sometimes more emergent than I'd like them to be. I don't need the extra large handicapped stalls because I am not in a wheelchair and don't need help getting up, but there are times that I am simply going to use whichever one is available. Given a choice, I'll use the regular-sized one.

    I personally believe that property owners should not be required to rent to anyone they don't want to rent to. At the same time, when I was a single parent in Southern California, it was awfully hard for me to find a suitable place to rent, as a single parent with a teenage son. That didn't seem to be a problem when he was a pre-teen but most of the places I could find that would take a single parent with a teenage son were places where I didn't want to raise my teenage son.

    Fortunately for me, although I wouldn't have been in favor of it, around that time California made it illegal for landlords to discriminate against people because of age, which suddenly opened up a bunch of 55+ communities. I moved into one that was perfect. It was near my work and just around the corner from the church that I attended. When I inquired about the vacancy, I was told that it was restricted to people 55 or older, and I reminded them that this was no longer permitted. It wasn't my law, but I did take advantage of it. We lived there until my son was twenty, and I moved to Texas. Since they didn't advertise the fact that they had to take people under fifty-five, most of the residents were older and they rarely used the pool, so there was rarely anyone at the pool. I don't think my son was particularly loud, and I didn't receive any complaints from anyone.

    As for my own pet peeves, I hate being behind people who are driving under the speed limit unless there's a good reason for it. There is a 14-mile stretch between Millinocket and East Millinocket. Because of hills and traffic, safe opportunities to pass are rare, yet despite the fact that the speed limit is 55, I am nearly always behind someone driving 40-45, and it drives me nuts, particularly since the same people will continue to drive 40-45 mph after they reach the town limits and the 30 mph zone.

    Another would be women who block the entire aisle in the supermarket with their carts while they gossip with one another. I'd hate that regardless of the sex of the people involved, but it's pretty much always women. Guys tend to get what they need and leave, often not even acknowledging people who they might know there.
  9. Martin Alonzo

    Martin Alonzo Supreme Member

    Mar 7, 2015
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    My pet peeve is professional sports they make millions of dollars doing a game which they would probably do for nothing if no one would pay them and if they all disappeared tomorrow the world would be OK. These spoiled group want to be role models and they are some of the worst people around. They also want to make politico statements and that is not what they are paid for. We certainly could find a group of people who would like to get paid more and people the world really needs. [farmers,factory workers and other people that if they disappeared we would be in big trouble]
  10. Frank Sanoica

    Frank Sanoica Supreme Member

    Feb 21, 2016
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    This aggravates us a lot. Use of an apostrophe when referring to more than one: Car's only. Tool's sale.
    We imitate the real interpretation: "Car is only", "Tools is sale"........

    We see this error all the time around here, as though the writers of the signs failed elementary English, as in,
    "We's ready to do business as signs painter's".
    Yvonne Smith and Holly Saunders like this.
  11. Bill Boggs

    Bill Boggs Supreme Member

    May 13, 2015
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    That kinda gets me, too.
  12. Patsy Faye

    Patsy Faye Supreme Member

    Nov 21, 2015
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    Ha ha ! Don't bother me one bit - there's so much to think about today as opposed to yesterday
    But - I don't like purposeful mis-spelling for signs and shops and you know I can't think of one example
    of what I mean by that :rolleyes: ,,,,,,,, :p
  13. Kitty Carmel

    Kitty Carmel Veteran Member

    May 9, 2016
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    These people could still be in shock and just be glad to be alive. I guess if you survive something that could have killed you, it's something to say.

    Years ago at the nursing home I worked at an incredible patient we had was on the local news. (this is why I can mention it because she was on the news at the nursing home and interviewed with her grandson there) She was over 100, 103 I think and Native American. What did the reporter ask her? "Are you afraid to die?" I was like "WTF you idiot! All the things this woman has seen and this is what you ask her" She had a self published book on regular paper about her life.
    Patsy Faye and Frank Sanoica like this.
  14. Cody Fousnaugh

    Cody Fousnaugh Supreme Member

    Aug 12, 2015
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    Out of curiosity, what does WTF mean? Dare you to say it here!
  15. Kitty Carmel

    Kitty Carmel Veteran Member

    May 9, 2016
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    Patsy Faye and Yvonne Smith like this.

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