One famous person once said that if we don’t learn from history we are bound to repeat it. In the 1930s the world seeing how successful the German industry was they tried to put on trade embargos to stop the success of the country and bring it back in line. They also put on a sea embargo to stop shipping. Instead of the rest of the world trying to catch up they wanted to bring down their success. We all now know what happened. Now they are doing the same to Russia. It is always a bad idea to poke a bear anytime. I am hoping history does not repeat itself.
Russia could be a valuable ally. Surely, we have more in common with Russia than in many of the countries we consider allies.
Total agreeing with both of you. There are 173 countries in the world and the more allies America has is beneficial. I believe we are all intelligent now to be diplomatic enough to have more friends and allies indifferent degrees in this world. Hopefully we don't forget history and remember we need allies and not foes. We do need Russia for an ally and more. If there could only be a unifyer against all evil and terrorist groups in the universe so we can be safer in every way!
We currently have a row with China on the issue of the disputed islands in the South China Sea. The UN court came up with a verdict that what China is doing is illegal - building structures on the islands. There is the Scarborough Shoal that nearest the province of Zambales where China had planted a semi-permanent outpost. The local fishermen cannot go there because they are driven away by the Chinese sentinels. But since the Philippines is just a dust compared to the big bully, it is foolish to wage a military war. There are groups wanting to launch a movement to boycott Chinese products. But I don't think that move would be patronized for Chinese products are very cheap and people tend to always go for the bargain price.