Power And Control Driven Doctors

Discussion in 'Health & Wellness' started by Joy Martin, Mar 30, 2023.

  1. Joy Martin

    Joy Martin Veteran Member

    May 4, 2019
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    Doctors pretty much have been in control of our visits to them. So often patients DO what docs tell them to do, what drugs to take etc. I was pretty much that way until the 80's and then I was awakened by some issues/damage done by my THEN docs.... I work for years NOW on my own health and visit only a doc once a year to stay in touch as I have two med refills thru her. She is an Integrative MD and is in the early yrs of retiring.

    My daughter now at 59 has been a lot of that route when she was so sick in a marriage...the doc she was directed to had her on so many drugs, that one drug, Vicodin, landed her in a 12 month rehab....it was a horrible mess and she had 2 little ones. Subsequently the husband, power driven guy, divorced her.

    So now she does ALL to avoid MD's, but likes to stay in touch once a year to "just in case". She has NO pharma drugs in her body, takes none NOW.

    This past week she had an annual visit to a doc she had seen for years...and when she got to the office was thrown at a PA..a person who did not know my daughter's history etc....first thing this rudge person said to my daughter, Where is your Mask"...daughter said I don't have one, Covid is Over from all I hear....the pA said", "oh no it's not"... Well the appt went downhill. Then PA asked if she had covid shots and daughter said NO, and PA said "why not"...then daughter went on with that assidic discussion...

    Then it got to mammograms, and daughter said NO, and the same dialogue, Jen said she's had so many mamms yrs ago and wants none....then the good old colonoscopy discussion, and daughter said I've had so many in my life, I want No More.....PA said what if you have cancer, and daughter said I do not, and PA said "how do you know that>?????? Talk about a bizzare appt.....

    A lot of what is going on is docs are being threatened more and more as many people are working on their own health and healings and if they are NOT, need to be. The lobbyists are hard at work doing what they are paid for, discredit all that isn't under pharma umbrellas....

    I can just about say, I'm very close to hating on the medical industry.

    Thanks for reading and perhaps you can see some of your own life in the above....
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2023
    John Nopales likes this.
  2. Beth Gallagher

    Beth Gallagher Supreme Member

    Jan 11, 2018
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    So why did your daughter bother to go to the doctor at all? Am I missing something?
    Yvonne Smith and Don Alaska like this.
  3. Joy Martin

    Joy Martin Veteran Member

    May 4, 2019
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    Well Beth, I believe it's because this doc in this scenerio stayed on top of anemia issue when Jen had it, and because the insurance the family is left with by the father now deceased, has a wellness annual exam paid by insurance for Jen and 2 kids.

    And like many "fear" something could happen like a heart attack....what does a person do if they have one and have no insurance, left to die or hospital picks up charges or whoever is left to care for the body or person, whatever is left...
  4. Beth Gallagher

    Beth Gallagher Supreme Member

    Jan 11, 2018
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    Well, I suppose if I had no intention of having tests or following doctor's orders, I simply wouldn't waste my time (and the doctor's) by making an appointment at all. I don't make frivolous doctor visits; if I have a pain or an issue I want a doctor's opinion and I usually follow their advice. Other than that, I don't go to the doctor so I haven't experienced any "power and control driven doctors." I have heard of patients being "fired" by a doctor for non-compliance, however.

    I am like your daughter about certain tests, and I don't intend to ever take a statin. Now that I've experienced cancer first hand I have a new appreciation for screenings, though.
    Faye Fox likes this.
  5. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    I think that this depends a lot on the doctor or nurse that you are speaking with, and probably also the state where you live. One doctor that Bobby and i were seeing about 2 years ago jumped all over Bobby about needing to have the covid test and vaccination. However, this doctor apparently sent the female patients to his nurse practitioner instead of seeing them himself, and she was very understanding, simply asked me if i wanted the test or shots and then dropped it after we talked about it and i said I was not interested.

    However, the next time we went, that nurse no longer worked there, and the doctor said she left after working there for 6-7 years; so we wondered if it might have been because they had the same disagreement about people being forced to have unwanted treatments.
    We have since changed doctors, and the one that we have now seems really competent, but was fine with us not even wearing a mask into the office; so they seem to allow patients to do whatever they are comfortable with and not try to force them .

    For a while, all of the medical facilities in Alabama were required to force people to wear masks and wait in the vehicle until called in for their appointment, but they are not enforcing that now except for the Huntsville Hospital and associated facilities. California probably has their own requirements for what is allowed.
    Krystal Shay, Faye Fox and Bobby Cole like this.
  6. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    To piggy back on Yvonne’s post, we initially started going to an old doctor whose arrogance was only surpassed by his “I’m god” attitude.
    He was the kind of doctor that a patient had to hide stuff from (like supplementation) to avoid getting chewed out because he knew it all.
    The guy even told me that I had to do as he did and have only one cup of coffee per day and then I later learned from one of the nurses that he carried a triple shot Americano Grande to work every day.

    On the other hand, when we first started going there, his staff was superb! The receptionist knew our names after meeting her only once, the nurse practitioner went out of her way to understand what she was being told by a patient and there was even one little bitty older nurse who would greet everyone with a huge smile and a hug.
    All that written, it didn’t last long because one day we walked in for Yvonne’s Cardiac appointment (shared office) and there was no one there whom we had seen before except the Cardiac doctor. In fact, the only other thing familiar was the primary health doctor’s use of nursing students for intake.
    Funny thing but even Yvonne’s heart doctor moved out a month or so later and the geriatric doctor discontinued using our health insurance company.

    After all that, we moved and started seeing the doctor whom Yvonne’s post was about and on my checkup date, he told me that the geriatric doctor we were seeing got into a fist fight at a Christmas cocktail party with another doctor.
  7. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
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    May 29, 2020
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    I don't know where I would be today if I hadn't stumbled upon the urologist I currently have. I was in the emergency room every 14 days with a blocked catheter due to an extremely high volume of sediment, and I had to yell at my prior doctor do give me the most basic of urine tests.

    These people don't believe they are God (who is benevolent), they are the Marquis de Sade.
    Bobby Cole likes this.
  8. Faye Fox

    Faye Fox Veteran Member

    Aug 31, 2019
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    That is a great valid question. Why go to a medical doctor when you already know you won't follow their advice. Sure there are a few doctors that just dispense drugs get hypochondriacs out of their office, but they are not representative of the entire group of medical practitioners.

    If you seek alternative medicine, then go to a naturist doctor or chiropractor. Some of the herbs that so called natural doctors dispense are dangerous to some conditions that these doctors are not trained nor have the equipment to diagnose.

    You see my folks were highly educated and experienced scientist, but they chose to follow alternative medicine for the most part. My father did not have to die from cancer in his early 60s. He close to "cure" his cancer in the early stages with pumpkin and grape seed extract. His local cancer became stage 4 and that was that. My mother suffered several strokes she didn't have to thinking her natural remedies were best.

    I am not against natural medicine nor am I against using prescription drugs. I have pointed out before that one of the first chemo treatments is made from Pacific Yew bark. A natural treatment but misunderstood because of the infusion method used to dispense it. It is as natural as it gets.

    Most grape seed extract goes through a chemical process to reduce the seed into a concentrated extract. Most grape seed extract comes from grapes sprayed with 35 different insecticides. Getting grape seed extract from certified organic grown and no chemical processing, is nearly impossible and very expensive if you can find such. The only way I would take grape seed extract is if I grew and processed the grapes myself. I did this for a few years and it wasn't worth all the effort.

    My point is many expensive natural herb, fruit, vegetable, and plant cures are in fact laced with chemicals necessary to grow and process them into a concentrate.
    Beth Gallagher likes this.
  9. Beth Gallagher

    Beth Gallagher Supreme Member

    Jan 11, 2018
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    Also about the masks... MD Anderson and Houston Methodist (my oncologist and my PCP) both maintain a mask policy. When you step inside MDA or HM, they hand you a fresh mask. Even if you enter wearing a mask, you get a new one. If you don't put it on, the security guard will escort you back outside. I hate masks but I can deal with it for an hour.
    John Brunner likes this.
  10. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
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    May 29, 2020
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    All the medical offices around me have gone "Mask optional" for a while, and Univ of VA Hospital just announced on Monday the 27th that they are dropping the mask requirement. Imposing placebos does not elevate my confidence level.
  11. Beth Gallagher

    Beth Gallagher Supreme Member

    Jan 11, 2018
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    Placebo or not, if I want to see my doctors I must wear a mask. The End.
    John Brunner likes this.
  12. Joy Martin

    Joy Martin Veteran Member

    May 4, 2019
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    More power and control, the Masks are worthless...in the O.R. yes but for this covid B.S. lies lies lies and power.

    Just heard yesterday the "mandate" for masks in doc's offices and hsopitals is off now and also that doc's offices can't ask if "you got the shot"......again the offices will do what they want to do.....
    John Nopales likes this.
  13. Joy Martin

    Joy Martin Veteran Member

    May 4, 2019
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    On this issue in general, I believe more and more the doc's and their help take advantage of Old People....I believe that my mother when she was about 80 had some blood in her stools and it scared her and she went to doctor and ended up with massive cancer treaments....poor woman was so damaged... I can't help believe yrs later it was some blood from hemmroids and that scared her......she had a life of constipation so makes sense to me. The cancer docs made a lot of money off her.

    Doctor world is driven to more and more and more MONEY. The docs my mom had didn't care about her.
    John Nopales likes this.
  14. Joy Martin

    Joy Martin Veteran Member

    May 4, 2019
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    When I was introduced to the class of antioxidants I talk about, the one I took for a year was Pycnogenol and the MD's and scientists said "May Prevent Cancer (s)" Prevent is the word they used not "cure". I was 57 and those words "prevent" were music to my ears....After the yr on Pycnogenol, I found Grape Seed Ex and it's been that one for over 25 yrs....and I'm fine. Grape Seed Ex is half the cost of Pycnogenol and it does basically the same, I went for the price saving.

    As for pesticides, how much could be in "seeds"...who knows.....That is not a concern.

    People consume a multitude of foods with pesticides.....

    At the time I was introduced to Pycnogenol, it was being brought into the U.S. via France...

    Faye: as I said I daughter wanted to get an annual wellness check up offered by their insurance company,,,and she wanted to touch base with the DOC who helped her with
    anemia yrs ago....she was pushed to a PA....

    Guess you didn't read my stuff early on.
    John Nopales likes this.
  15. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
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    May 29, 2020
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    Last December I went to UVA hospital for a CT scan. Things had loosened up and I forgot all about wearing a mask. There were hall monitors all over the place. I guess I looked too happy.

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