I've been trying to ignore all this but hearing Dennis Prager this morning I am more and more shocked with it all. Kinda think about how males are circumcised when they are born. Similar but not really. I've questioned cutting up the little boys. My ex was NOT cut up as a baby and he was born in a Republican family..... From all I seem to hear, it's the Libs that are Pushing All this Madness. So much food for thought on all of it.
@Joy Martin - I need more detail. never heard of this person. Puberty blocking? That is another new phrase to me. I will try and check that out.
Hedi, I believe Dennis is syndicated and if not he's been on radio for a couple decades at least here in CA. On the puberty blocking, it's all over conservative radio which is all I listen to. Whether the puberty issue is on mainstream TV I do not know. I don't watch any tv. If I were to watch TV, I'd be watching Tucker Carlson et al. https://thehill.com/changing-americ...gender-affirming-care-is-chemical-castration/
oh wow. i looked up puberty blocking. Geez that is terrible . i would never agree to that for my child.
Here is what PBS says and they say they are non partisan but I believe they are more liberal leaning. It's a heavy liberal leaning world. I would not want my young children to go this route. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/health...uidelines,understand what the regimen entails.
Circumcising a new born male is something totally different than medically determining the gender of a male child. There are a few reasons for a circumcision but those reasons have little to do with what the rest of the child’s life is going to be. Now, so far as pre-pubescent gender reassignment medication goes, to me it has nothing to do with being compassionate by allowing a child’s fantasy to become a reality. To me, it’s all about money. Doctors and pharm companies have figured out how to make more money by agreeing with the woke attitude that gender is fluid thereby encouraging some idiotic parents to acquiesce to a child’s imaginary need to be the opposite sex. God help us though because there are some parents who do not have the mental capacity to take care of a puppy who will intentionally make their child into what he was not born to be. Again, in my opinion, it’s just one step further than dad’s who juice up their boys to develop more muscle or mothers who throw a bunch of make-up on a 4 year old girl so she can enter a beauty pageant. I can see saving money for a child’s college education even if the kid might not go to college or teaching a male child the rudiments of whatever the dad does for a living even though the child may eventually do something completely different. What I cannot see is a parent or parents determining a child’s whole life by allowing, much less insisting on a process that is psychologically and physically invasive and perhaps even deadly. A boy is a boy….period. A girl is a girl…..period.
High rate of suicide among trans who had the sex change, Out of 5107 trans women (median age at first visit 28 years, median follow‐up time 10 years) and 3156 trans men (median age at first visit 20 years, median follow‐up time 5 years), 41 trans women and 8 trans men died by suicide. In trans women, suicide deaths decreased over time, while it did not change in trans men. Of all suicide deaths, 14 people were no longer in treatment, 35 were in treatment in the previous two years. The mean number of suicides in the years 2013–2017 was higher in the trans population compared with the Dutch population. Conclusions https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=213c...Lmdvdi9wbWMvYXJ0aWNsZXMvUE1DNzMxNzM5MC8&ntb=1
In Virginia, a Dem state legislator introduced (once again) a bill making it a felony for a parent to "not affirm their child's selected gender." How can this even be the type of thoughts someone would have?
A kid, even teenagers could not possibly understand the multitude of issues with change of sex. They will be in therapy for yeas either way.