We have heard of bank bail outs and they take money [your money] from the government to help out the banks out of debt [too big to fail] Now they are talking bank bail in which they take your money you have in the banks I don’t know if that might even include safety deposit boxes if it does it might be a change your mind idea of putting gold and silver in there. I know the banks in Canada pass the law that they can take depositors money to help the bank. Will There Be Bail-ins? - Question For Corbett https://www.bitchute.com/video/RqZcXdRs5qE/
https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/the-corbett-report/ Of course the fact check site is all liberal bullshit, but I will run with it,because my gut tells me they are correct.
Sorry here we go one time more when you cannot dispute the fact you attack the messenger. https://www.qwant.com/?q=Canada+make+law+to+have+the+banks+bail+out+by+depositors+
I believe there are countries that have negative interest rates. This means that the banks charge you to keep your money. As long as we still have cash as an option, that will likely not happen here. But once the government decides that cash is "too expensive " to mint & manage and everything is done with plastic, you will have no choice but to comply...there will be nothing physical to take possession of. The parallel conspiracy theory has been that the government has looked at confiscating retirement savings and then giving us the "allowance" they deem we need. I can see this happening. All they have to do is demonize those who have been responsible privileged.