If it's not too personal tell us your concern. For me it's having my legs weaken to the point of not being able to walk with my walker and needing to be transported.
Needing at least one 800mg Ibuprofen daily for the osteoarthritis in my shoulders. And, needing 50mg Tramadol every-other day for the same achy/nagging pain in the shoulders. It's not fun having surgeries that turn into arthritis later, but..........
Today at this time, it is the ravens in my backyard that have Asian bird flu. One dead and one still alive but weak. I worry that the neighbor's cats will get it and then their owner that is 90. It kills just as much as Covid. The police were no help and the bird rescue confirmed it was bird flu that is out of control in the area and said to put them in the garbage can. The wildlife couldn't care less, and the health dept transferred me to a manager that wasn't available, and another message was left to be ignored. I have a call into a vet friend that can give me better info on how to proceed. Putting them in the garbage can for the transfer people to handle seems wrong to me. If it isn't covid then no one cares. Sickness and or death from blu flu isn't being confirmed, recorded, or reported. It is a sad time for our world and now I have to deal with these diseased birds before dark.
I do not like the Tramadol. When I broke my rib they put me on that. My biggest concern right now is my copd and whether or not our area will run out of oxygen should i need it because of the whole Covid thing. One neighboring hospital has had trouble getting it.
Being present as the culmination of generations of effort to destroy my nation seem to be coming to fruition, and I'm powerless to do anything to stop it. Let's be clear: America has not failed. This is sabotage. Enemies within and without have used our freedoms to infiltrate our systems and militate against us.
I've been on 50mg (lowest mg of Tramadol available) for around six years now. Not on an "everyday" basis, like I use to be, but am still taking it. A 50mg tablet, along with a 800mg Ibuprofen, I'm good for most of the day............no pain at all!
Today my biggest concern is walking with style 5 miles for my doctor appointment to determine what testing will follow and returning home and getting my yard mowed. My overall biggest concern is avoiding cancer that genetics say I should already be dead from and 97% chance it will take me out in the next few years. Last year's testing showed no sign of cancer. My concern today is getting Medicare to approve a full-body scan for this year. If my markers show good, then no they won't.
Probably being able to continue to take care of my SO. As we both age, her need for support grows and my physical ability to giver her that support declines. Once those two lines on the graph cross, we are both in trouble. This is NOT likely to happen soon, thank goodness, but time seems to be slipping away
My biggest concern is loosing the use of my legs to walk with my WALKER and needing to be transported in the WALKER transport chair.
. No, we can’t do a whole lot but I think it was Sister Teresa who wrote something to the effect of: I alone cannot change the world but I can be a ripple in the water. I too share your concerns because ultimately those of us who ARE aware that freedom is under fire are the last bastion against a twofold foe of unimaginable magnitude: Greed and and need for Power. It is indeed time for each of us to be a “ripple in the water”, Tsunami’s can be made from such ripples.
I'm trying to get oxygen now in case we need it later.You have to have a prescription to get it. I'd like an at home oxygen concentrator. They are expensive about $2000. With all the illness and virus going around in cold and flu season it would be good to have. Online nor the medical supplies won't sell one without a script.
Agreed 100%. There are so many folks I've encountered throughout this "Divide by Virus" who have agreed that we redouble our efforts to be nice and respectful of others. You gotta lead, and you gotta trust that most people want "Good," once you shed the fabricated fear.
I’m guess I’m not exactly sure what you’re looking for but I did a little checking and came up with a suggestion. Note: Since they’re sold on eBay you might not need a script to buy one.
I was reading about them, and the concern (as you likely know) is the harm one can do to oneself with too-high a concentration of oxygen or too prolonged use of any concentration. This isn't me admonishing you with "You'll shoot your eye out," because these concentrators are certainly way less of an issue than tanks of pure oxygen. But I've not seen a way to get them without the script that says a doctor is supervising & advising, because lawyers ruin everything.