Some Jokes

Discussion in 'Make Me Laugh' started by Sam Calabria, Jul 6, 2023.

  1. Sam Calabria

    Sam Calabria Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2023
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    ran across a few jokes today...

    from Rodney Dangerfield

    “I live in New York on the west side. It’s a rough neighborhood. My apartment building, every night there’s a robbery. The other night my wife asked me to take her out. I said okay. I figure I’d play it safe. I left all the lights on in the apartment. I left the radio on. I left a note in the front door. The note said, "I am inside." Came home that night. I still got robbed. The guy left his own note. He said, ‘I looked all over for you.’”


    Joke Time...

    So, a guy is insanely jealous of his wife. He is absolutely convinced she is cheating on him.

    One day, he pretends to go to the office. He waits one hour and sneaks back to the apartment. He breaks in, starts yelling, "Where is he! Where is he!?!? I know he's here!"

    He runs out to the terrace, looks down and a man is dressing on the terrace below.

    He screams, "I knew it! I knew it! I knew it!"

    He runs over to the refrigerator, pushes it off the terrace...and Boom!!! ----- promptly dies of a heart attack.

    So, there is a line to get into Heaven. And the recently passed are being questioned by the angel.

    Angel: "Sir, how did you die?"

    Man #1: "I was in a car accident."

    Angel: "Fine, go right in."


    Angel: "Sir, how did you die?"

    Man #2: "I had cancer."

    Angel: "Fine, go right in."


    Angel: "Sir, how did you die?"

    Man #3: "Well, I am a horrible person. I was insanely jealous of my wife, I went nuts, I pushed a refrigerator off a terrace and died of a heart attack"

    Angel: "Well, that is certainly unusual. but you have paid for your error with your life, you can go in"


    Angel: "Sir, how did you die?"

    Man #4: "I don't know, it was the strangest thing. I was getting dressed in the morning, on my terrace, like I usually do, and all of a sudden, out of the sky, a refrigerator came down and killed me."

    Angel: "Quite strange, my son. You can rest now. Please, go right in."


    Angel: "Sir, how did you die?"

    Man #5: "Well, I was inside this refrigerator....."


    What do you call a musician who breaks up with his girlfriend?



    Why do bagpipers walk while they play?

    Answer - They are trying to get away from the noise...

    John Brunner likes this.
  2. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
    Staff Member Senior Staff Greeter Task Force Registered

    May 29, 2020
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    I like Dangerfield.

    "My wife likes to talk during sex. She keep calling me from motels."

    Sam Calabria likes this.
  3. Sam Calabria

    Sam Calabria Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2023
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    Yeah, he was great. Very very very generous to other comedians. He was responsible for jump-starting the career of many comedians.

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