In 2012 the FDA sent out an e-mail to all doctors to take their patents off statins. Most doctors who have been brain washed by the pharmaceutical industry never did they kept recommending them. The reason was that the FDA said taking statins causes a 52% increase of diabetes and a 100% increase in dementia [Alzheimer]. Now a new study April 2015 backs up the claim on diabetes. After telling a lie about cholesterol for years it i hard to make them change their minds or make them apologize for their mistakes.
I referred to my last doctor as Doctor Lipitor because that was all he'd ever talk about. He would pretty much ignore whatever complaint I might have come in with and harp on the need for me to take Lipitor.
I guess your doctor is refusing to check all the new studies and read his e-mails from the FDA. This whole cholesterol thing has been a big scam. The American Eskimos eat nothing but fat and have cholesterol of 350 to 500 and they are known for no heart problems and very low or no cancer. If the medical system was right they would be all dead.
Yes, it would seem that all those wonderful new drugs that hit the market some years back such as the statins are now coming back with some dire side effects. It seems like every day I am seeing a commercial from a law firm talking about helping those who took these drugs get compensation. The frightening thing is some of these drugs are still on the market including Lipitor and then there is Xeralto. I don't care how many sports personalities they manage to get to get on a commericial to do a plug for this drug I would never take it in a million years, not after the serious dire consequences that come from taking it. I don't know how the FDA can allow this one to stay on the market.
Vioxx killed near half a million people and injured even more before the FDA had it taken off the market and the company who made it paid very little. It you are waiting for the FDA to tell you about a drug you will wait a long time. If your local store tries to sell you natural milk they will be there with guns drawn.