This is just an EF-1 tornado, which is at the low end of severity. The video was taken at a school in the Atlanta, Georgia area. It's amazing the strength of this level of storm, and the scale goes up to EF-5. Here's more on the Fujita Scale, in case anyone's interested.
I know, it's scary. I have watched a lot of movies and also documentaries about tornadoes. It's amazing to see the strength they possess and just how dangerous they can be. We don't have that many where I live, and the ones we do have tend to be lower on the scale of severity, but they're still scary. I can't imagine facing one of the huge tornadoes they have in some areas.
We had one back in the 70s that tore apart a building, took a twenty or thirty foot long steel beam from it, bent it into a L shape and thrust it through the roof of a building across the road.
So lucky to never have experienced one. The havoc they cause to everything in its wake. It is just the extreme force of mother nature. To be admired and feared at the same time.
up under the overpass. the little girl in jeans pees her pants there's also a semi that get's tossed like a rag doll
Awh bless her heart. I am sitting in a nice comfortable home and I could feel that video. Very scary.