This was all over our news yesterday . We don’t normally have these issues in Australia …..thankfully…… so thank goodness the police were keeping an eye on this would be Monster threatening our lives . Apparently this monster was in the process of trying to buy a hand gun to carry out a mass killing ( gun ownership is illegal in Aust unless you have a valid reason for having one such as a primary producer ) I was in Rundle mall just last week buying my self a new iPad from Apples only SA store But this is horrifying to think there is a 17 year old plotting to kill as many people as he can right in Adelaide City Centre called Rundle Mall. He wanted and had the desire to be “famous” and apparently had based his idea on bettering the death count of the Columbine mass school shootings in the US .( sorry that may not be spelt correct)
Stock photo of Rundle mall ( Adelaide ) which is a fairly large open space