The Beginning Of My Whirlwind Tour.

Discussion in 'Travel & Vacation' started by Ina I. Wonder, Sep 19, 2015.

  1. Ina I. Wonder

    Ina I. Wonder Supreme Member

    Jan 28, 2015
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    Hi Guys and Gals, I left Houston yesterday for the first leg of my small tour. My friend Krystin and I having a great time. It's a bit hard on my COPD, but worth all the effort. This is just a little of what we saw on our first day. image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg
  2. Ina I. Wonder

    Ina I. Wonder Supreme Member

    Jan 28, 2015
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    We saw this at The Garden of the Gods. We are viewing Colorado Springs and Manitou Springs in Colorado. We leave in a few days to go to San Fransisco for the next part of the trip.
    Diane Lane and Yvonne Smith like this.
  3. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
    Staff Member Senior Staff Greeter Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    That is seriously beautiful, Ina ! If that is what God's garden looks like, then this gives a whole new meaning to the term "perennial garden".
    The pictures came out perfect, too. That new iPhone must have a wonderful camera in it. They are just clear and crisp as can be, and the colors are vivid.
    Ina I. Wonder likes this.
  4. Corie Henson

    Corie Henson Veteran Member

    Jun 11, 2015
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    Houston, you mean in Texas? And next is San Francisco in California? Take your lunch in the Fisherman's Wharf, hahahaaa, just joking. I've heard that you need to eat there otherwise yout SF trip is not complete. There's also Lombard Street a.k.a. the crookedest road. Well, just showing off with what I know... I haven't been to America, you know.

    Seriously, that's a nice trip you are on. Do you use a car or do you travel by plane? Oh, I guess you are using a car for that cross-country tour because they say you get to see more of the sights on a car then on a plane. However, the car trip is tiring and you are exhausted when you check in a motel to rest for the night. One friend who lives in the US told me in one their vacation that they sometimes go on a land tour by car and travel for more than 10 days.

    Good luck to your trip and I'll be awaiting for more pics. Don't fail to shoot the Alcatraz, okay?
    Ina I. Wonder likes this.
  5. Ina I. Wonder

    Ina I. Wonder Supreme Member

    Jan 28, 2015
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    @ Corie Henson, good Sunday morning. We are flying for the whole trip. From Houston, Tx., to Colorado Springs, CO., then to San Fransisco, CA., then on to Las Vegas NV., and then back to Colorado Springs befor going back to Houston. We are spending four days in each destination.

    I want my friend Krystin to enjoy this trip too, her birthday is on the 29th, so we will be in Los Vegas on that date. It is too much to drive to all those places, and not be worn out, so all three of us,(Krystin, Izzy, and I), are traveling by air. I'll post more pictures this evening, now it's time to go see whatever there is to see.
  6. Jenn Windey

    Jenn Windey Supreme Member

    Jan 22, 2015
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    Looks like God has one heck of a rock garden. @Ina I. Wonder you take such wonderful pictures, I have never seen a sky so blue. I have to admit I am not that up on my geography for the state of California, I hope you are no where near where the wild fires are. That would be much to hard on you with your breathing.

    How are you dealing with the sitting in the car? or are you going to take a train or something else? I have found as I grow older the hard part for me is the prolonged sitting in a vehicle. Even frequent stops do not seem to be enough. Oh I see you will be traveling by air, that's a good plan, it will give you much more time to enjoy good company and the sites. I am very envious, I am so over due for a vacation.
    Yvonne Smith likes this.
  7. Corie Henson

    Corie Henson Veteran Member

    Jun 11, 2015
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    @Ina I. Wonder, that's an expensive tour, I guess, since you are flying your way to your destinations. But nevertheless, I'm sure that is worth the money because it looked like you have planned it carefully. I hope someday to tour America and see the sights in LA and San Francisco, the statue of Liberty in New York, the casinos in Las Vegas and not to forget Disneyland or Disney World. As of now, I am content with traveling to Asian countries. At least I get to see different places, people, food and culture. I have learned to assimilate with the culture but not with the food yet. I always look for McDonald's when I am abroad. It's funny but there's always a McDonald's in Hongkong, Bangkok and some other places but none in Batanes - that's where we had the provincial tour this year.
  8. Ina I. Wonder

    Ina I. Wonder Supreme Member

    Jan 28, 2015
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    @Jenn Windey, @Corie Henson, this will be the next to the last trip I'll be taking. The last time I had the freedom, time, or funds to just tour our wonderfully large country, I was 18. That time, I and my 20 monrh old son, drove from Texas to California, then up through Oregon and Washington to the Canadian border. But I didn't have enough money to enter their country, so I drove all the way across the northern part of America, and ended up in Boston Mass. We made the trip in January of 1970, and it took us almost five weeks. We stayed there for two years, befor doing back home to Tx. It was a great driving tour, but I know better than to try that much driving today.

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  9. Ina I. Wonder

    Ina I. Wonder Supreme Member

    Jan 28, 2015
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    Krystin insists I use my wheelchair while we are doing anything that takes a lot of walking, but I pull rank, (age), most of the time. Today is our last here, until the return, we head for San Fransisco tomorrow.
  10. Diane Lane

    Diane Lane Veteran Member

    Apr 10, 2015
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    Wow, it's great that you're able to get out and see some sites with your friends. Keep the pictures coming, I'm so glad you're having a nice time!
  11. Corie Henson

    Corie Henson Veteran Member

    Jun 11, 2015
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    It seems that I am more interested in your dog. Is that a yorkie? I am a dog lover too, @Ina I. Wonder and I'm just too glad to see you bringing along your dog in your vacation. That's also what we do, we bring our dogs on vacations whenever possible. It looks like you were in a souvenir shop. Thanks for posting those pics.

    You look great in those photos. I suggest you dye your hair so you would look younger. I used to ignore that suggestion but when I realized that seeing an old woman on the mirror in the morning made me feel old. Now that I am dyeing my hair, I feel young whenever I would see that cute woman on the mirror, hahahaaa.

    Enjoy your trip and we will be awaiting for more pics from you.
  12. Krissttina Isobe

    Krissttina Isobe Veteran Member

    Aug 28, 2015
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    :oops:What fun it is to travel! When going to places you've never been before makes it all the more interesting when you travel. So many new sights, scents and foods to experience when you travel! How nice to travel with trusted friends too. It's so good to travel. Have a safe and wonderful trip!
  13. Ina I. Wonder

    Ina I. Wonder Supreme Member

    Jan 28, 2015
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    Ok, we leave for San Fransisco in a couple of hours. I hate the day for Krystin, she has all the luggage, and my wheelchair, (with me in it), to transport from the hotel and onto the next one. We'll be doing good to settle in by 8:00 pm tonight.

    We have been to the top of Pike's Peek, the Cliff dwellings, Cripple Creek, The Gragen of the Gods, and Manitou Springs. We have driven every road up and down the moutains that we could find. The beauty of our world renews my faith that all is as it should be.

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  14. Joe Riley

    Joe Riley Supreme Member

    Mar 3, 2015
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    Thank you,Ina,for taking us along on your journey! What great pictures! I really love the picture of you and Izzy!;) Enjoy it all! You are like Dorothy and Toto, headed for Oz!:D
    Yvonne Smith and Ina I. Wonder like this.
  15. Corie Henson

    Corie Henson Veteran Member

    Jun 11, 2015
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    It looks like we are looking at a diary of a National Geographic reporter. This first photo looks like an old hometown that is described in our textbooks. That with small buildings, wide roads and clean surroundings. And it looks like the road ends at the foothills, what a sight with the cirrus clouds over the blue yonder. And so it's a nature trip for you.

    We started traveling in 2012 when we were offered a discounted plane ticket to Hongkong. We were hesitant at first because it is a big expense to fly to other countries. But my husband said that let's grab the opportunity while we are still young, while we still can eat what we want to eat. Ever since that year, we travel abroad at least 2 times a year plus our local vacations. Enjoy life while you can.

    Good luck to your San Francisco tip, @Ina I. Wonder enjoy every bit of your tour.

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