This question was posed to me some days ago. It is about a news report that a cab driver had returned a shoulder bag which was left by the passenger. The said bag has valuables inside. The focus of that item was the kindness (and honesty) of the taxicab driver. Now, the question - isn't it the fault of the passenger to leave a bag with valuables? Another news item. The tv network has it's program of civic works to help the poor. The question is this - does the network spend their own money to help the needy or do they earn from that program? The most probably answer is the latter, that the network earns from airing that program because they have lots of sponsors. The government has the financial aid called CCT (conditional cash transfer) to give money to the poor. The only requirement is for the children to go to school and get at least an average grade. The question is this - is the program for the poor or for the political motives of those in power in the government? In the last presidential elections, that CCT was being rammed in our throats via the infomercial advertisement of the administration's candidate (who placed second only to the president now).
All I 'do know' Corie, is that most of the 'big' charities earn a lot of money from money donated, they are certainly not careful with this money, it seems their needs come first and what's left over goes to the worthy cause There are a couple of very good ones such as the Salvation Army, but I give mostly to the 'small' charity cause
Many people do things for themselves while trying to make it like they are doing for others. As far as the cab driver goes, he was motivated by his own moral to return the bag. Or perhaps he was motived by religious beliefs that he should do what's right. Whatever the reason, he did the right thing. Today I saw some dollars in the parking lot of the grocery store. I kept walking. They weren't mine and I thought maybe someone who needs that more than me will pick it up. Years ago I was working in a nursing home laundry and when I cleaned the dryer vent I found a small tightly folded triangle of a bill. When I opened it, it was a 50 dollar bill! That was a lot of money to me back then. But I took it and turned it in to the charge nurse. Why? I don't know. It was the right thing to do? But why? I don't think they ever found who it belonged to. Probably some old soul folded it up, hid it in clothing and forgot about it. Later was in a nursing home and that article of clothing got washed.