Should Trump be impeached for inciting an insurrection against the United States during his administration or held over until the new administration takes over. That’s the question to be decided now in the Congress if Vice President Pence doesn’t ant o use the Twenty-fifth amendment?
Answer: No. From all available seen reports, Biden sold out to the Chinese, in league with the antichrist in rome. They may or may not actually have gotten the evidence from laptops seized during the riots in the capitol Overall, no one not in the elite, or not in the ones chosen for it to be revealed to, may actually know.
I think Congress needs to go about some actual business of the country. Trump is on the way out so who cares, really?
I’m looking for the right word to fit in but for lack of it I’ll just write, “It’s interesting” thus far. Whilst each and every person who ran for their seat was campaigning they all made promises that would be really good stuff if they intended to keep those campaign promises. Even Joe and Kamala promised that on day one yada, yada, yada but what are they really doing? Joe told congress to do whatever they wish so bingo, Pelosi rings the impeachment bell and off they go to do what they couldn’t do in the previous four years. Yup, let’s let all those promises to unite the country and sing Kumbaya go to the trash can and instead, let’s disenfranchise those 75 or so million citizens who voted against Biden by spending more money on impeaching D. Trump. Stupid I think was the word. No, perhaps something a little stronger but stupid will have to do for now.
The guy needs to be either removed via the 25th or impeached. There were NO 75 million that were disenfranchised. There were 75 million that voted for the incumbent, but there were 85 million that voted for the new legitimate president. your candidate lost in a fair and free election. Plain and simple. The incumbent,his son and his lawyer made inflammatory speeches, replete with the "plausibly deniable dog whistles". Many of his less intelligent fans took the words and ran with them. What Trump did was inexcusable and an example must be made!
You’re absolutely without hope Pete. Just to name one, you didn’t rail against Maxine Waters when she called for democrats to beat up Trump supporters did you? If you will not even read, I mean read the full transcripts of the speeches then your banging and wailing are for nothing. When you have the facts then I’ll run with ya but the idiocy you’re presently portraying is astounding. I’m all about the facts and if you can’t bring that to the table instead of your belligerent child like opinions then you are definitely without hope.
Remember "just the facts ma'am" on the old tv police show with joe ? (friday) No one has access to the facts, when they trust the media/ tv / politicians. Their whole life and system is messd up. Even if they want help, it is a very difficult process to be set free.
I don't see how the House can just sit by and ignore this. The lesson learned would be any president could do anything he wants to, as long as he does it in the lame duck session of his term, and there would be no consequences, simply because the clock ran out. Why wait? The Senate will never vote 2/3 to convict, so it doesn't matter when the articles are sent over---whether Jan 20th or 100 days from now (Clyburn). For the what-aboutism debaters, maybe it would cut down on the inflammatory rhetoric from everyone. It certainly has gone over the top in the last few years. Wouldn't be a bad thing, imo.