...or maybe not. However, true or not true; it is definitely an interesting story. This is the truth about deer crossings. We all know just how dangerous it can be when deer are coming across a busy highway, or even on a quiet road when you are not expecting to see a deer crossing the road. So, the county and states DOT put up those deer crossing signs to help out and prevent accidents. But are they going about it the right way ? ? Listen and you decide.....
For some reason I could not see all of the video, but I think I heard enough, or perhaps not enough! Without being too factious, does this lady think that the deer actually read and cross only where the signs are placed? I think that after having three collisions with the deer she may think of going a bit slower in the deer crossing areas, or perhaps the DOT should put signs up facing the forest that say, "Beware, Car Crossing!"
The deer in this video don't seem to need a sign. There are so many it almost seems like they're on a loop.
This story reminds me of trying to explain to my youngest son, probably six or seven then, about coupons. He thought that the amount on the coupon was how much you pay for the item. The age comparison though is huge but the comprehension is about the same. He did get it after I explained it to him though, the caller doesn't.
That was too funny. I'm going to be polite, and say that lady was confused. Please God, don't let my brains dribble away to that point. But, I guess if your are wanting to spoof someone that's as good a way as any. At least it wasn't harmful to man or animal.
As convincing as she was, I just can't quite believe the lady was serious. If she is, though, and she's not alone it would certainly explain the current situation in the white house. People really could be more stupid than I give them credit for.
It is truly hard to believe that this woman actually exists and was so mistaken about the purpose of the deer crossing signs. However, there is actually a second interview with this woman , "Donna the Deer Lady". She now realizes why the signs are where they are; but is not happy with all of the notoriety that she has recieved once she was identified from the original video. Right along with Donna is the lady in California who was protesting the deer hunters because she thought it was cruel for them to go out and kill the poor deer. She offered what she believed was a workable solution however. She said that the deer hunters should "just get their meat at the grocery store, where no animal was harmed". As the saying goes, "they exist, and they walk among us..."
Well since you put this ON THIS BASE,it probably isnt real But it a good story anyway.. How do we know 1 way or another online??
We have a woman here complain the same thing to the DNR. And a woman complained on my daughter's rabbit board that meat rabbit breeders should get them in the meat section of the store for the same reason.
Reminded me of one of those those funny "Thoughts." "How do they get the deer to cross at that yellow sign?"