So was a Muslim in our military that shot and killed (murdered 12 of our men) at Ft. Hood Texas. Most of the men in that room were signing up to be in our military. Pip my one son was going over to be recruited, but had strep throat.
From what I see of the world, every Government is out for themselves, we may elect them on promises to be different but as always, not the case. Its the people on the street that really see what's going on but are ignored
I don’t like the idea of a group of people coming into a country and not assimilating and slowly growing into a majority than changing the laws. The people living there are being told they no longer have any rights because they are the minority. Especially when it might be the white American catholic who will now suffer. You have to remember pay back can be a bitch because we did it to the American Indians
they don't have to obey any countries their religion they have the right to anything we own. including our families. and we have to conform to their laws or they are entitled to kill us. and our families. by our laws this photo constitutes child abuse. under their law the are allowed to marry and have sex with children as young as 6 years old !!! will they be looking for ours?? their not coming their here