Turning It Over To The Public

Discussion in 'Other Reminiscences' started by Frank Sanoica, Mar 9, 2016.

  1. Frank Sanoica

    Frank Sanoica Supreme Member

    Feb 21, 2016
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    Speaking of gasoline: remember how gradually the full-service fueling stations began disappearing, amid the dire threats of the public dispensing dangerous gasoline into their own tanks, inexperienced dunderheads would be blowing themselves up left and right! Know of anyone who did?

    The nations' Air Traffic Controllers went on strike, were ordered by President Reagan to return to work, and when they did not, he FIRED them all, amidst dire predictions there would be terrible consequences causing thousands of lives. Did those accidents materialize?

    Union drivers for the venerable Greyhound Bus Co., during a protracted nation-wide strike, forced the company to it's knees. Greyhound sold their company to Dial Corporation, which promptly fired all the union drivers, and hired their own, not in violation of the Union Contract, amidst predictions of bus crashes, etc., etc. Didn't happen. Think of others? Frank

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