GAVI has the same rights as a country it is totally immune to any legal action. Once a country signs up to the WHO they have the right to dominate your medical system. When will people wake up and see how these sick people are running the world. WHO Whistleblower Talks To Lawyer Reiner Fuellmich
Remember if you go to court for a crime and you tell the judge that you did not know he will say ignorance is no excuse. People are being warned but ignoring it. Just remember they are legally protected from anything that happens The Vaccine Trials: Documentary 2021
My old mind went a totally different direction with "The Who" Ever since I was a young boy I've played the silver ball From Soho down to Brighton I must have played 'em all But I ain't seen nothing like him In any amusement hall That deaf, dumb and blind kid Sure plays a mean pinball Sorry
“10 Million People contracted Tuberculosis last year. 1.5 Million People DIED. Did you even know? Were you scared for your life? Did we wear masks, close the economy, cancel schools, and ruin small businesses? No. Why? Because the media didn’t tell you to be AFRAID!”
Apples and oranges...… 515 people died of TB in the US in 2019 (can't find 2020 figures but I'm sure that's in the ballpark). That hardly compares with the number of Covid deaths in the US in 2020. I'm quite intelligent enough to figure out what to be afraid of, with or without the media. I'm not afraid of contracting TB; I AM afraid of contracting Covid.
Covid has a 99.98% survival rate what is covid's especially when you have flu,heat attack,car accidents, cancer, and old age called covid
Dr Vernon Coleman has been telling everyone about this fraud and the vaccine is also a fraud. This is an act against humanity and it times we will have war crimes. Vernon Coleman - We Are Fighting For Our Lives.....We MUST Unite
The same people who call Vernon Coleman a quack have not had a cure for any major disease in 70 years.
A doctor on the news networks telling you it is all about the profit of the drug companies. The Truth About COVID At Last!!!,
In the matter of The United States of America, claimants’ vs. Bill Gates, Melinda Gates, Anthony Fauci, Christine Grady, Tedros Adhanom, National Governors Association, CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ), WHO (World Health Organization), Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation CASE NUMBER: HRTI- 20200427-00008 v> JUDGMENT Comes now, a Judgment and Order from the Human Rights Tribunal International, WHEREAS, the tort claimants’ has claimed within the evidence submitted to this tribunal and Published for over 40 days in the newspaper that the Respondent has and continues to commit violations against the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. WHEREAS, the tort claimants’ has claimed multiple violations under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on all Thirty (30) Articles of the UDHR, and WHEREAS, an International Citation filed 04/27/2020 under the Number C6DDD32C-EF0A- 42CB-98FB-0C517DDB3CC9 AND further published in the following publication ROH-FD570818- 50E9-4DD4-9154-C514EEDA2113 and WHEREAS, the Human Rights Tribunal International is focused on the facts presented and strictly from the charges brought forth in the charging instrument Linked below. The evidence, proof and intent declared, demonstrates that these conspiring corporations and or persons (Respondents) seek to profit and destroy by means of: counterfeit medical This can be found in a document at.