Oh dear, i am behind the times with my birthday wishes ….. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, @Mary Stetler ! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, @Kate Ellery !
Don't worry. I didn't put my real birthday in when I first signed up and didn't know the place. You are actually a few days early.
Mine is real ..Feb 3 ….but don’t know what year I put without looking ..I know I’ve just turned …. 5 YEARS …OLD ….on another forum And happy birthday to another Aquarius … @Mary Stetler
Thank you one and all for the well wishing on this momentous occasion celebrating the 75th anniversary of my birth ! Whoopee ! With the exception of one, my uncle who is 10 months older than I, I have lived more years on this earth than the other males in my family tree. However, I will not celebrate too heavily and be fully mindful and thankful that although the number of people older than I steady decreases and never increases, I am not yet among that decrease.