Our Assisted Living bus will be taking residents that are interested to our local well stocked zoo. Masks are required to be worn at the zoo. The trip will be a nice change of pace from this Virus mess. Fresno Chaffee Zoo
When my children were small; back in the late 80s or so. Went to the Houston Zoo and never had any desire to go again.
Absolutely love the zoo and/or a wildlife habitat. When we lived here in Colorado before, went to the Denver Zoo, on "free day" a few times. A company my wife worked for, when we lived here before, had a summer party at the Denver Zoo and it was a lot of fun. When we lived in Jacksonville, Florida, went to their zoo a few times and especially the time when wife got in "free" due to her company sponsoring a new tiger area. We both love tigers and lions.
Because, whether a zoo or safari, like the old Lion Country Safari that use to be in Orange County, CA, so we can see them. We surely don't want to pay the airfare and safari cost to see them in Africa.
Activist succeeded in shutting down circus's that had African animals in them and we loved seeing the Ringling Bros. Circus. They've tried shutting down rodeo's, and to a certain degree, have. I mean, what are the Activist going to after next, SeaWorld? The Bronx Zoo has their own tv show and it's really unbelievable how good, no, great, care they give their animals. Family entertainment, folks..........family entertainment! Kids love seeing these animals!
I can't remember the last time I was at a zoo. Woodland Park Zoo, Seattle, probably 25 years ago or so. Not the best zoo. Too small, no room for allowing animals to roam a natural habitat. I found it depressing.
Yes, Seaworld has been the target of activists for many years, and I certainly hope they are able to shut it down. And as for "family entertainment", all you are doing is teaching your children that it is okay to be cruel to animals.