This purposeful and vicious attack on an individual, a Wisconsin County Sheriff, who might be chosen to head Homeland Security, bends and twists the wording of his previous positions stated regarding important issues such as Police Brutality, Street Demonstrations, and the like. He might just be the perfect person for the job. Certainly infinitely better than was Janet Napolitano, former Governor of Arizona, picked as Secretary of Homeland Security by Obama in 2009. Whether you know it or not, the position ranks, in power level, over ALL Law Enforcement Agencies in the United States, including FBI and BATFE. A lawyer by trade, politician by declaration, complete lack of Law Enforcement experience, certainly earmarked Napolitano to head up our L.E. community, yes? "With the crucial role of Homeland Security secretary still vacant in President-elect Donald Trump’s cabinet, there is speculation that he will tap Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke to lead the agency. Clarke has said he will accept the position if it is offered to him." "But Clarke, an elected sheriff currently serving his fourth full term, has little experience with international terror organizations or with shaping immigration policy. Instead, the hallmark of the right-wing extremist’s career has been speaking out about the “war on cops” while using racist, sexist, and offensive language to disparage activists, and protesters, specifically the Black Lives Matter movement." See: The mud-slinging is continuing unabated. Read the article through. I should like to hear opinion and comment. Frank
Too much emphasis is put on experience for all political positions. No experience is a helluva lot better than bad experience. People who have experience doing it wrong will continue doing it wrong. Donald Trump was elected because he had no experience in politics. I've seen David Clarke a lot on facebook and I think he is a good man. I don't know if he is best for the job but lack of experience should not be a factor