I went to bed last night before my wife did, at sometime after 1:00 am. I woke up thinking that I had heard a loud noise from downstairs. I got up to make sure she was all right, but as I left the bedroom, on my way to the stairs, I encountered a very large piece of machinery that would never have fit there. I realized then that I was still in bed, and that I had been dreaming. I was awake then, or believed that I was awake. I could see the window in front of me, and feel Ella, our cat, still lying between my legs where she likes to sleep, keeping me from turning over. I couldn't hear anything from downstairs, and my wife still wasn't in bed. Remembering the noise, I got up to make sure she was okay. When I walked out of our bedroom, I found myself in the library of the high school that I had graduated from nearly fifty years ago. That woke me up, as I realized that it was just a dream. Again, I was still in bed, and there were the window and Ella. Determined to check on my wife, I got up but, as I approached the door to the bedroom, I found that I couldn't move my feet. Then I realized that I couldn't walk because I was still lying in bed, and that I had been dreaming. Listening carefully, I could hear Michelle's radio or television downstairs. But I thought I could also hear her talking to someone. That was odd because, by then, it was at least 3:00 in the morning. I got up to find that I was in some building that I didn't even recognize, and I seemed to be in a basement, as the stairs led up. Of course, I was still sleeping. This went on for at least ten cycles, although most of them are a blur to me now. Each time, I thought that I was awake, but each time I was still lying in bed sleeping, and Ella wasn't even disturbed by any of it. I did wake up when Michelle finally came to bed because I told her about my dreams. There had been no noise, she said; nor had she been talking to anyone. Thank God, because I certainly wasn't going to be of any help.
Hate those type of dreams where you think you're not sleeping. Only get them on occasion though. Yours was quite long @Ken Anderson.
I have some weird dreams sometimes. I know they are weird while I'm dreaming them but when I wake up, I can't remember what they were about. Weird, huh?
Yes I've had those dreams quite often and they scare me more when I wake up because of the ''what if'' factor...but I've certainly never had so many in the space of one night...
I don't know what they're about, if anything. I have had similar dreams before, where I thought I was awake but actually just dreamed that I had woke up and got up, but I have never had so many of them in a row before.
Sometimes I have "full length" movies or "books" in my dreams. And when I wake up I think I should have recorded that dream so I could write a book on it.
Dreams where you awake to the dream (i.e. realize you are in a dream) is called a 'lucid dream'. You are lucky to be able to maintain the dream after you become aware of it, because now you can take the next step, which is to take conscious control over the dream. For most, that realization will automatically terminate the dream.
To actually dream that one is just awakening from a dream, to find out that the reality was such that it was still a dream, is a moving experience which happened to me only once. Horribly frightening. Frank
I think I'd be dialing up the head of the dream department and changing my Rx to one straight dream at a time, please.
The only time I have dreamt and realised I was dreaming was one where I was walking in town with a friend, turned to look in a shop window, turned back and all was black and silent, dark as pitch. I started running and tried to cry out but no sound came and that's when I knew I was dreaming - it freed me up, i relaxed, walked forward, daylight and crowds whom I went amongst being very silly and saying things like 'hey there, how you doing?' - then I woke up. Just wish I had this realisation every time I'm running or afraid in my dreams.