I agree, Yvonne. I really don't remember going to the dr when I was young and living at home either unless it was required for school. But maybe we did because I did have all the childhood illnesses except for mumps. Also got the polio shots and the oral polio vaccine when that came out.
I don't think I ever saw a doctor as a child, and the only time that I can remember any of my brothers going to a doctor was one of my older brothers, when he got his hand caught in a wringer, breaking a few bones, I think. Even today, when it comes to a medical history, I can't really answer those questions with any certainty because my mother, not a doctor, diagnosed and treated whatever problems I might have had. I think I had the flu once as a child. At least that's what she called it, and having had the flu last winter, I think that it was probably something like that. I don't think I have ever had measles, mumps or chicken pox, but at least a couple of my brothers had the measles, I think, but without a doctor. I jumped off of a shed barefoot one day, landing on a nail that went far enough into my foot that the board and all came up when I tried to step off of it. As I remember it, the nail went all the way through but I'm not so sure about my childhood memories anymore. My dad handled injuries, while mom handled illnesses, and the hole in my foot was filled with iodine and bandaged. We survived.
Sounds interesting Yvonne please keep us updated on your experiences, I did read about water kefir when I first started on the milk one, but I am not that fond of carbonated drinks these days so didn't bother going into any it further. The milk kefir becomes lightly carbonated if you screw the top on when storing it, which I don't like so I always leave it loose.
....saw the sign on the door, and thought it was a Tom Keifer concert! I have been taking pro-biotics for some years, as a general maintenance for my digestive system. It is Ultimate Flora, which contains 30 Billion live cultures, per capsule. I realize that it is the "mild-mannered-Clark Kent" version and that Kefir is the "Super"version, but I have never cared for yogurt, cottage cheese, or buttermilk, but love sour cream on a baked potato. I would rather take a capsule, than make my own "home brew" pro-biotics. I will leave you with some Keifer!
Co-incidentally I just bought a quart of peach flavored kefir. It's like watered yoghurt, but it tastes great! I was disappointed that I could not find The Sutherland brand though.
My brother in law adds a little honey to his and loves it, I sometimes add a small amount of chocolate Bailys to mine which is sublime, the contrast between the chocolate and the kefir is just right. Normally though I drink and like the creamy slightly sour taste of the plain kefir.
Yes Joe, the brand I got was "Latta" https://www.google.com/search?q=lat...C3YvKAhWKRyYKHfloAlUQ_AUIBygB&biw=818&bih=432
Yes Ruby that would be beyond paradise, must get a bottle when the chocolate Baileys my daughter bought me runs out.
I just received the water kefir grains tonight, and have put them in the sweetened water to ferment and be happy again after their long trip here from Florida. I LOVE carbonated sodas; but stopped drinking sugar-sodas when I read about all of the damage sugar can cause and the illnesses it can provoke. After that, I drank sugar-free soda for a long time, but then (again) I read about how bad it is for people, and the dangers of artificial sweeteners. Next, I turned to carbonated plain water, and that is what I now drink, and only enjoy a Diet Coke every now and again. With the water kefir, I can have something to drink that is healthy for me. Once it has thoroughly cultured, most of the sugars will be gone or turned into something else. I have been reading about all of the different flavor that you can make, so I am excited about my new adventure ! I will keep everyone posted on how things progress, and what I think about it once I try my first batch or so .
Bought a bottle of Kahlua today Ruby and I find it's best when added to a kefir banana smoothie, which I tried for the first time earlier. I will try some Amarula next which I love but haven't had any lately, and its on special offer locally at Tesco
Wonderful like Baileys but with something extra, the problem is whenever I buy a bottle it seems to empty remarkably quickly. Amarula is a cream liqueur from South Africa. It is made with sugar, cream and the fruit of the Africanmarula tree (Sclerocarya birrea) which is also locally called the Elephant treeor the Marriage Tree. It has an alcohol content of 17% by volume. It has had some success at international spirit ratings competitions, winning a gold medal at the 2006 San Francisco World Spirits Competition.