Charged As An Adult With Sexual Exploitation Of A Minor For Having Naked Photos Of Himself

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Ken Anderson, Sep 5, 2016.

  1. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
    Staff Member Senior Staff Greeter Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    In North Carolina, a 17 year-old boy is charged as an adult with the crime of sexually exploiting a minor, a crime that could lead to a sentence of up to ten years, and requiring him to register as a sex offender.

    The problem is that one of the minors he is accused of exploiting is himself, the other being his girlfriend, who is the same age.

    When they were sixteen, the two exchanged racy photos of each other through their phones, sending photos of themselves to one another.

    Apparently no one else saw the photos until the police discovered them on his phone. It’s not clear why they searched his phone but there is no record of a search warrant having been issued.

    Both teens were charged with sexual exploitation. The girl pled guilty to a lesser charge and was sentenced to twelve months of probation. The boy is still facing two counts of second-degree sexual exploitation and three counts of thrid-degree exploitation, all stemming from photos of himself.

    For the purposes of being depicted in a sexually explicit photo, he is considered to be a minor. However, North Carolina considers sixteen to be the age of adulthood for criminal purposes so he is being charged as an adult. So, he is being charged as an adult (himself) for having photos of a minor (himself).

    Be careful about sharing your baby pictures, folks.
    Diane Lane and Joe Riley like this.
  2. Corie Henson

    Corie Henson Veteran Member

    Jun 11, 2015
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    I can say that I'm pretty safe with my baby photos because there was no digital camera yet and at that time, cameras still use those exploding flash bulbs, hahahaaah.

    But on a serious note, it is foolish to post just anything in the social media particularly compromising or incriminating photos. Isn't it stupidity to post that picture and later on he would be indicted of a crime? My point is if he didn't post that picture then there would be no problem. I remember last year when 2 high school students who are about to graduate posted their photos in Facebook. The setting was in a bar and the 2 girls were smoking and drinking. When that post reached the principal's office, they were both barred from joining the graduation ceremony although they were given their diploma. All that for a simple post, huh. Talk of silly and stupid... whatever.
    Sheldon Scott likes this.
  3. Chrissy Cross

    Chrissy Cross Supreme Member

    Aug 11, 2015
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    That's being too tough. The crime is stupidity. I better show my 17 yr old grandson this before he does something stupid.
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2016
  4. Chris Ladewig

    Chris Ladewig Veteran Member

    Apr 30, 2016
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    That's ridiculous considering a rapist just walked away with a slap on the hand in California isn't it?
  5. Frank Sanoica

    Frank Sanoica Supreme Member

    Feb 21, 2016
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    GEEZ! I met my future wife at 16, when she came to America from Germany with her family. By then, she had been a German-licensed Cosmetologist, eligible for reciprocity obtaining a license here, a usually adult-thing. Besides the point, except that she was very mature, I was 21, and she agreeably posed for me naked in the living room, a picture I cherished for a long time!

    So the fact that we did more, she being willing, but still only 17 (by then), today I could have been jailed?? We were married when she turned 18.

    What are we coming to??

    Holly Saunders likes this.
  6. Texas Beth

    Texas Beth Veteran Member

    May 28, 2016
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    We have a person around the block who was labeled a sex offender when he was 17. At that time, he and his 16 year old girlfriend were engaging in consentual sex. When the girls parents found out, they were angry and had him charged. How very unfair.
    Holly Saunders likes this.
  7. Chrissy Cross

    Chrissy Cross Supreme Member

    Aug 11, 2015
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    That's just sad because their daughter is to blame also if it was consensual. Now he'll have a record that can ruin his life.
    Holly Saunders likes this.
  8. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    A few years ago, someone was murdered in Dover-Foxcroft, near here. The guy who killed him did so because he (the victim) was on the sex offender list. His crime was also a sexual affair at seventeen with a girl one year younger than himself, but in the same grade in school. Being labeled a sex offender will stay with him for the rest of his life and most people don't differentiate between the "crimes" that might lead to someone being placed on the list. Everyone assumes that if someone is on the sex offender list, he is either a rapist or a pedophile.
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2016
    Holly Saunders and Frank Sanoica like this.
  9. Holly Saunders

    Holly Saunders Supreme Member

    Nov 16, 2015
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    I don't get it, aren't there places in the USA where these kids could be legally married at 16 and 17...?

    Here in the Scotland and Wales, children aged 16 can be legally married without parental consent..and although I use the term 'children' in the eye of the law they are clearly if this is also the case in the USA then the 2 couldn't be classed as Minors.

    Whatever the law there, this is absolutely too tough a judgement on these kids, especially the boy...they are of a legal age to be in a sexual relationship with each other, (albeit most of us would hope ours didn't).. so where have they broken the law in sharing pictures between themselves...doesn't make sense to me.

    Good grief, think of the lovely @Ina I. Wonder , it's well documented by Ina herself on these pages that she was married at 13 years old..and had children by the time she was a mid teen...Clearly the law didn't take a dim view of a prepubescent child being taken as a bride yet they object so strongly to naked photos between a courting couple that the boy may have a criminal record for just shows what a mixed up crazy unfair world we live in..
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2016
    Yvonne Smith and Frank Sanoica like this.
  10. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    I think my mom was fifteen when she was married. My dad was a couple of years older so today, he'd be considered a sex offender.
    Holly Saunders and Frank Sanoica like this.
  11. Chris Ladewig

    Chris Ladewig Veteran Member

    Apr 30, 2016
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    My mom was also fifteen when she married my 21 year old father. I guess under todays laws they would also be sex offenders. What is this world coming to?
    Holly Saunders likes this.
  12. Frank Sanoica

    Frank Sanoica Supreme Member

    Feb 21, 2016
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    @Chris Ladewig

    Good point, as I meant in my PM!

    "What is this world coming to?

    IMO, it's coming to the point which most governments have been aiming to achieve for a mighty long time: One World Government, feelings, beliefs, cultural differences, swept aside in favor of a structured controlling "bonnet" encompassing all sub-governmental human beings. Frank
    Joe Riley likes this.
  13. Sheldon Scott

    Sheldon Scott Supreme Member

    Mar 13, 2015
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    I'm not sure but I think the law here is that you can only be charged for such offenses if there is more than 3 years difference. An 18 year old with a 15 year old would be okay but a 19 year old and a 15 year old would not.
  14. Chrissy Cross

    Chrissy Cross Supreme Member

    Aug 11, 2015
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    Problem is that they are all different circumstances. If the 18 yr old boy has been dating the 17 yr old girl and they've had consensual sex already anyway. He can send any naked pics he wants in my opinion.

    If the 17 yr old boy sends naked pics to a stranger or just an acquaintance that's not ok. I don't think kids should be sexually active in high school anyway but they are.

    Age of consent gets tricky...most do it but don't get caught because the girl doesn't tell anyone since she's doing it with consent.

    But 13 is still too young in my opinion unless that's the culture you are raised in.
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2016
    Ken Anderson likes this.
  15. Holly Saunders

    Holly Saunders Supreme Member

    Nov 16, 2015
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    Yes of course 13 is far too young, I totally agree. IMO 16 is too young..but the law says it's ok, so it's ok!!

    However these kids are both 17, and in a loving relationship, so this is complete madness having them charged with any kind of sexual crime
    Frank Sanoica likes this.

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