Get More Frogs in Your Yard to Control Snails and Slugs

Discussion in 'Crops & Gardens' started by Pat Baker, Feb 22, 2015.

  1. Pat Baker

    Pat Baker Supreme Member

    Jan 22, 2015
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    Cute way to attract frogs to your yard to help control the snails and slugs in your garden.
  2. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
    Staff Member Senior Staff Greeter Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    Pat, that is just the cutest little terrarium for frogs ! If the frogs would be satisfied with just a small container like that; I would be happy to have them. Both Bobby and I enjoy listening to the frogs outside croaking in the spring during their mating ritual.
    However, a couple of years ago, we had an interesting experience with the frogs. We enjoyed listening to them out in the back yard singing to each other, and doing all of the mating rituals that frogs happily sing about.
    Well, a few days later, it was a hot day, and we grabbed our towels, and went out to the little swimming pool in the back yard.
    Guess what ! ! It was full (I mean FULL) of frog eggs ! I am talking massive frog orgies had gone on out there in our swimming pool.
    Well, we didn't want to kill all of the little frog-babies, so we sadly left the pool alone and let the eggs hatch into little tadpoles, and finally turn into frogs, and we were at last able to drain the pool, and put in fresh water.
    Guess What ! ! Those rascally frogs decided to raise another batch of tadpoles, we had more eggs in the swimming pool.
    We finally just said either we have to keep killing frogs, or just let them have the pool for the year.
    Fortunately, we now live in town, and have not had a mass invasion of the swimming pool here last summer.
    Allie Seay and Diane Lane like this.
  3. John Donovan

    John Donovan Veteran Member

    Feb 21, 2015
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    Thanks a lot for the tip! I really need to show my son this, he has a problem with slugs at his house. I'm lucky because we get a lot of frogs around my house, so I don't need to do this, but the terrarium is really cute!
  4. Betty Johnstone

    Betty Johnstone Veteran Member

    Jan 22, 2015
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    Oh wow, that is a fantastic idea and it looks relatively easy to make. I will definitely give this a try whenever we get rid of the snow. I love frogs and not only would they help with slugs and snails but as a hobbyist photographer of wildlife and nature, it would give me some awesome opportunities.
  5. Ina I. Wonder

    Ina I. Wonder Supreme Member

    Jan 28, 2015
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    What a great idea. My neighbor has an old soap stone utility sink that I've had my eye on. I was thinking about using it as a garden planter. The sink is about 30 inches deep and wide, with a length of five or six feet. But of course, after seeing this idea I have totally changed my mind.

    I have a fenced in area, (dogs you know), just in front of my porch that is about 25 X 15 feet. It has a large old oak tree about 20 feet in front of my porch, so the area gets a lot of shade. I have a bulb, and low light annual flower garden set up there, and I'm thinking it would be perfect for a small water lilly garden.

    I use to listen to the frogs and owls late into the evening while setting out on the porch. For the last five years, the already big city of Houston decided it needed to move into the N.E. section of Harris county, and I haven't heard the frogs for a good while. But, a nice water lilly garden just might help me remember those past events.

    I'll try to remember to take photos, that is if I can talk my neighbor into selling the sink to me.:p
    Yvonne Smith likes this.
  6. Brittany Houser

    Brittany Houser Veteran Member

    Apr 10, 2015
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    I love frogs! I want to attract some to my house, and my daughter and I were just talking about a way to do that! This is a charming idea. I wonder though if my cats would hurt the frogs? I wouldn't want to put the little guys in danger.
  7. Lydia Williams

    Lydia Williams Veteran Member

    Apr 10, 2015
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    Really good idea! I know there's some frogs in my area as I've seen them in my garden even though there's no water, I bet something like this would make the cuties stay.

    Encouraging hedgehogs to your garden does a similar thing - they eat slugs and the like to. All you need to do is put a hole in your fence if it doesn't have a gap at the bottom for them to fit under.

    I think cats might hurt them, though. I wouldn't risk it. I don't own any, but they like to come through my garden all the time anyway, so maybe even that'd put them in danger.
  8. Diane Lane

    Diane Lane Veteran Member

    Apr 10, 2015
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    I'm so glad I saw this. I have a terrarium indoors, mainly for my enjoyment. I do keep some vases out back, and have noticed frogs in them when they get full of water, so I'm going to consider making one of these. I love the look of it. I used to have a small patio pond, but it attracted raccoons, so this might be a nice alternative.
  9. Allie Seay

    Allie Seay Veteran Member

    Jan 21, 2015
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    That is a really cute little lilley pot.:)

    There are already lots of frogs where I'm at. I especially love the little tree frogs. There are always a couple living on our back porch in the summer and at night they're stuck to the windows. They have been known to turn up inside the house in our bathroom and neither Ken nor I can figure how they get there.

    We also have cats and two little poodles. I don't think I've ever seen the cats or the poodles bothering any frogs, but it might be that they have plenty of other critters to go after that are more appealing than frogs.
    Diane Lane likes this.
  10. Mal Campbell

    Mal Campbell Supreme Member

    Jan 23, 2015
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    We have a small stream running through our backyard, and while I don't see too many frogs, we hear them at night. We have a hot tub, and we sit outside, after dark, most nights for an hour or so. We can hear the smaller tree frogs, and then occasionally, the deep-throated croak of toads. Of course, there's also the noise of the cicadas or crickets (not sure which). We live way out in the country, and it's surprising how loud it is at night.

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