Do You Believe In Ghosts?

Discussion in 'Conspiracies & Paranormal' started by Jenn Windey, Jan 23, 2015.

  1. Lon Tanner

    Lon Tanner Supreme Member

    Apr 14, 2016
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    No I do not believe in Ghosts of any kind. Just not logical
    Ken Anderson likes this.
  2. Beth Gallagher

    Beth Gallagher Supreme Member

    Jan 11, 2018
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    I'm not sure whether I believe in ghosts or not. Seems like there are some suspicious unexplained happenings, though.
    Ken Anderson likes this.
  3. Patsy Faye

    Patsy Faye Supreme Member

    Nov 21, 2015
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    Such a good story relating to 'Bird' @Ken Anderson
    Reminds me of the 'Stone tape theory' which I do believe. A home/building will absorb strong emotions good and bad
    sometimes the emotions are re-played, which is why many sightings of 'ghosts' in old buildings are the same, seeing
    a person doing the same thing each time.
    I pasted the Stone tape theory, although you have probably heard of it .......

    The Stone Tape theory is the speculation that ghosts and hauntings are analogous to tape recordings, and that mental impressions during emotional or traumatic events can be projected in the form of energy, "recorded" onto rocks and other items and "replayed" under certain conditions. The idea draws inspiration and shares similarities with views of 19th-century intellectualists and psychic researchers, such as Charles Babbage, Eleonor Sidgwick and Edmund Gurney. Contemporarily, the concept was popularized by a 1972 Christmas ghost story called The Stone Tape, produced by the BBC.[1][2] Following the play's popularity, the idea and the term "stone tape" were retrospectively and inaccurately attributed to the British archaeologist turned parapsychologistT. C. Lethbridge, who believed that ghosts were not spirits of the deceased, but were simply non-interactive recordings similar to a movie.
  4. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    In other words, logic just doesn’t apply to some things.
    Yvonne Smith and Ken Anderson like this.
  5. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    I do believe that there is something, but what exactly a ghost is, or where it comes from, I don’t know. There are enough verifiable reports of people having seen a ghost, or interacted with one in some way, that I think that the phenomenon is real.
    I wish that my Chipper would run around my house, but he doesn’t. One night, after I went to bed, I felt him sleeping on my lower legs and feet , where he always slept. It was before Poodle was sleeping there, so I know that it was not him that I felt.

    My mom told me about going to a church meeting, and they had 3 nuns a from somewhere that were speaking that night. She said that the face of one of the nuns suddenly changed and turned into a skull face, and then changed back again. She had no idea why or how that happened, but she said it shook her up pretty bad.
  6. Hugh Manely

    Hugh Manely Very Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2020
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    Yes, I certainly do. Assuming that you define ghosts as spirits, as a Christian I can assure you that angels exist - I have experienced it myself, and have no doubts at all. (the story is too long to relate here, but it saved my life after a severe bike wreck, and I woke up in ER with bleeding on my frontal lobe)

    The bible also verifies that they are "ministering spirits".
    Jesus said, after appearing to his disciples after his resurrection "...Touch me and see; a ghost does not have flesh and bones, as you see I have." (Luke 24:39)

    Also: "Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?" (Heb 1:14)

    Another thing that gives me comfort is that followers of Jesus will get an "escort to Abraham's side" (heaven) as stated in the account of the rich man and Lazarus.
    The time came when the beggar died and the angels carried him to Abraham’s side" (Luke 16:22)

    I also enjoyed reading several years ago Billy Graham's book Angels. There are credible accounts there where angels took on human form for various purposes.
    Yvonne Smith and Bobby Cole like this.
  7. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    Angels, though, were created prior to and separate from human beings. Do you believe that dead people can come back as ghosts?
  8. Bill Boggs

    Bill Boggs Supreme Member

    May 13, 2015
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    No. The last ghost I saw was Casper.
  9. Hugh Manely

    Hugh Manely Very Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2020
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    No, dead people can't come back as ghosts, but there is a world of "... the rulers of the darkness of this world..." which we wrestle against, according to scripture. In other words, satan has his cohorts, making attacks on the believers (i.e. the demonic world)
    Jeff Elohim likes this.
  10. Patsy Faye

    Patsy Faye Supreme Member

    Nov 21, 2015
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    The spirit/soul lives on, we chose to call an apparition 'ghost'
    The body is just a shell that houses our spirit
    Ken Anderson and Yvonne Smith like this.
  11. Dwight Ward

    Dwight Ward Veteran Member

    Jun 18, 2020
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    Marvelous story about Bird, Ken. Just to clarify, when you say 'crawlspace', to me that means the unfinished attic or space completely under the house ( in the dirt ). You are meaning a somewhat finished basement, I assume.
    I hope it was Bird trying to get you to play. That means I'll have lots of dog and cat ( and hamster? ) company in the afterlife.
    Patsy Faye likes this.
  12. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    Yes, that's what it is. My crawlspace is accessed through a trapdoor under the stairs. There is an area just around the entrance where it's possible to stand. Accessing anything else requires crawling or, in some places, sliding on your back. The canned stuff is on a crude shelf near the entrance.
  13. Jeff Elohim

    Jeff Elohim Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2020
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    It is logical in hollywood to promote Casper, a ghost. They make millions, billions, or however much doing so for so-called entertainment, don't they ?
  14. Jeff Elohim

    Jeff Elohim Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2020
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    I agree with Smith Wigglesworth whenever hasatan or a demon occurs - there is no fear at all, not even a little bit - just roll over and go back to sleep, or send it on its way in Jesus' Name and go back to doing whatever is needed to be done. No worries at all, nothing to fear.

    Whenever a good angel, one of the Father's Messengers appears, though, listen to what He Says - it is important.
  15. Beth Gallagher

    Beth Gallagher Supreme Member

    Jan 11, 2018
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    Just bumping to share a somewhat creepy story. As many of you know, my mother-in-law passed away last September. My husband and his siblings have been working on getting her estate settled and disposing of a lifetime of "stuff." Since they are working in and around her house, the utilities are all still on, including the telephone. The security system was offline because the cameras had been taken down when repainting the interior of the house. No one is staying in her house.

    A couple of months ago I was wakened by our phone ringing around 5 a.m. The caller did not leave a message but the caller ID showed my MIL's name and phone number. We "assumed" it had been my husband's brother calling about some scheduled maintenance, but when asked he said he did not call. Besides the fact that he has his own cellphone and would not use MIL's phone. We didn't think anymore about it. Until today.

    This morning at 5:17 a.m. I was awakened by our phone ringing. I went downstairs to see if there was a message on the machine. To my surprise, it was another call from my MIL's telephone number. Add to that, a "message" recording that sounded like a bunch of static. upload_2024-4-29_12-52-57.gif

    I am fairly confident that my deceased inlaws are not phoning us, but seriously... WTF? My husband has headed over there to check the security cameras (reactivated after painting done) and see if there was anyone in or around her house.

    I know that hackers can spoof anyone's phone number. But why would anyone go to the trouble of spoofing MIL's number to call us at 5 a.m.?? And that static "message." Just weird and creepy.
    John Brunner and Yvonne Smith like this.

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