What's Your Thought's On Ufo's? Hoax Or Real?

Discussion in 'Conspiracies & Paranormal' started by Lon Tanner, Feb 10, 2019.

  1. Hal Pollner

    Hal Pollner Veteran Member

    Feb 11, 2018
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    We would all like to see proof that they really do exist.

    Lon Tanner likes this.
  2. Jeff Elohim

    Jeff Elohim Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2020
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    That has happened many times. Russia, China, the USA all have made flying objects that were UFO's until exposed/ identified.
  3. Tony Page

    Tony Page Veteran Member

    Jan 25, 2021
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    I've been reading about UFOs from when I was about 10 years old started with a series in the daily newspapers. Since then then I've watch Clips on YouTube, watched TV shows read books and articles.
    Are UFOs real? Are they alien? I believe they're real I just don't believe they're alien.
    Why would NASA spend Millions if not billions of dollars to fine life in the universe if it is here already. They just landed perseverance on Mars it's searching for life microbe life, not humanoid or plant.
    I believe UFOs we are seeing ARE real. The Navy released some videos of UFOs taking by our fighter jets, they were flying around a Navy training mission. I think these were droids observing our tactic. There's been speculation that China has droids that can go mach 20. We supposedly have droids that can travel at that speed.
    I would prefer UFOs to be alien, and they we're watching us to make sure we don't do something stupid and destroy this planet.
  4. Brian Naginoth

    Brian Naginoth Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2021
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    This is the week the Pentagon and the alphabet soup intel agencies are supposed to release a major dump of UFO info. They debunked and destroyed the lives of thousands who spent their own hard earned money and hundreds if not thousands of hours of their own time, researching, photographing and collecting samples of encounters. The spooks and pentagon should apologize to these folks. Much of what they have was likely based on their work. Is it going to be a cold hard bucket of truth or a spritzing of vapors only under the of blanket National Security. Will we hear about the Gread Treaty struck between the aliens (occupying underground bases in the U.S. S.W.) and President Eisenhower? It was a Faustian deal for lasers, masers and fabric fastener tapes (and who knows how much current tech) in exchange for permitting our "guests" to abduct and experiment upon folks at will. How much is any government willing to give away in exchange for yet one more quantum leap in technology that will inevitably be used to make more efficient killing machines? Don't hold your breath. Unless they have a tall grey give the press conference, much ado about nothing.
    Nathaniel Merritt and Bobby Cole like this.
  5. Mary Stetler

    Mary Stetler Veteran Member

    May 30, 2021
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    It distracts us from fighting global warming, vaccines and any other government control plans.
  6. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    Now that the virus charade is winding down, they may need a new bogeyman.
  7. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
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    May 29, 2020
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    I'm on Mary & Ken's side.
  8. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    Can’t tell if Brian is writing a bit of satire or a little angry that the documentation hasn’t been revealed earlier.
    Either way, I like his post.

    And yeah, Mary and Ken do have a point in that it does deflect us from seeing and hearing some more stupidity from Washington, D.C.
    To tell the truth, I’m actually glad to say that for me, give me some UFO’s or a three headed goat in the news cause it’s gotta be better than it has been.
    Or maybe a three headed goat coming out of a UFO might be neat too.
    Or if my x-wife come out of a UFO with a 3 headed goat it would in fact explain a lot of things.
  9. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
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    May 29, 2020
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    I can't imagine that those who have the capacity for inter-galactic travel and everything else they've been purported to do need "permission" from politicians to abduct humans or to do anything else that they like. Or maybe we have more power than I know. Or maybe they're more vulnerable than I know.
    Bobby Cole and Nathaniel Merritt like this.
  10. Mary Stetler

    Mary Stetler Veteran Member

    May 30, 2021
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    Great points!
    John Brunner likes this.
  11. Nathaniel Merritt

    Nathaniel Merritt Active Member

    Jun 7, 2021
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    I think you're likely to be correct. I lost interest in UFOs a long time ago despite multiple sightings because nothing ever comes of it. So, eh.


    Or maybe they are more civilized than we are, not merely more technologically advanced. To have survived their own Nuclear Age they must have developed as a civilized society.

    I am a trained amateur astronomer (took astronomy classes and joined an astronomy club plus spent hundreds of hours outside at night with my telescopes) and know when I am looking at a star, a comet, a meteor, the moon, etc. I have had multiple very clear UFO sightings, some in the presence of my first wife and some in the presence of my second wife. Are they ETs? Maybe. Maybe not. Time will tell, hopefully.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 18, 2023
  12. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
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    May 29, 2020
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    Hey, Nathaniel. Nice to meet you. Boy, are you wrong! ;)

    They abduct humans and conduct traumatizing life-destroying intrusive experiments on them. And they cynically team up with said humans' political leaders to do so unmolested. A civilized peoples would put a stop to such behaviour, not travel great distances in order to engage in it.

    And I'm not convinced they're using nuclear power. It's likely something we have no concept of.
  13. Nathaniel Merritt

    Nathaniel Merritt Active Member

    Jun 7, 2021
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    Hi John. My first wife is an abductee and I spent 32 years married to her. I have been meditating (Zazen) for nearly 48 years for a couple of hours a day. This gave me the ability to resist the "brain freeze" tech of the grays and have some confrontations with them. is that real enough? LOL. Maybe I'm just crazy. I am aware of everything you say and it disturbs me. But from my own reading I see that many such species are here. They aren't all bastards like the grays and Reptilians. Regardless, we cannot stop them and apparently neither can our military. So now I just ignore it all. No, they do not use nuclear power. I mentioned nuclear power saying they must have GONE THROUGH their own nuclear phase successfully.
    John Brunner likes this.
  14. Jeff Elohim

    Jeff Elohim Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2020
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    UFO, which I read the military or other changed to something else, I forget what,
    is simply unidentified, right ? Nothing wrong with that at all - there are many ufos.
    There are other subjects or topics to read about, when there is time and resources,
    which have proven entirely they cannot be and are not ets. There are no ets.
    I don't know if that is important or not , as there is potentially a lot of interest and money just talking about ets.
    Society, politics, even science(and medicine), each have their own interests, which often if not most often are more influenced by money and other factors instead of what's right.
    Like astronomy, though, it takes time to learn and discover and prove what is right, and it is worth it, perhaps in any field, when the 'price' is paid. The 'price' in any field today of seeking the truth, seeking what is right and good and helpful, is rejection by society, by groups, even by family, because the world we live in is so corrupt.
    Tony Page likes this.
  15. Tony Page

    Tony Page Veteran Member

    Jan 25, 2021
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    I agree there are some strange objects flying around the sky I myself have recorded one years ago which I later found out was a satellite I should have realized it because it flew in a straight line. Before Area 51 boundary was changed folks were getting close and photograph a few strange objects, which was supposed to be aircraft we developed that was 20 to 30 years ahead of our time.
    The Navy file footage is clear these are crafts but where from?
    How many bases do they have around the world?
    Speculation is these are drones either ours or from China or Russia.
    Alien bases is a remote possibility, with all the satellites monitoring this planet and Google Earth I would think a group or government would have found a bass by now. If they did they are keeping it top secret.
    Yvonne Smith likes this.

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