I've been reading a bit about Peltola, and I probably would have voted for her myself. I have never been a fan of Palin, who gave up the governorship of AK to basically make more money as a private citizen and tries waaaay too hard to be "cool." From Insider... Peltola, who will become the first Democrat to hold the House seat in nearly 50 years, said she characterizes herself as a "rural Democrat" with some conservative tendencies. "My record in the state legislature showed I am conservative — I am for resource development," she said. Still, Peltola noted that in Congress she'd "follow my own compass and make sure that I'm staying true to Alaska and Alaskan values."
From all reports, she is a decent person at heart, but I think Washington will change that quickly. There is a good bit of anti-Palin sentiment here in Alaska, not because she went to McCain, but because of what she did to Alaska in her short term as governor, about 18 months. She was kinda the Biden of Alaska, as she nearly wrecked the state in a short few months. The only reason we still have an energy industry here is that McCain tried to enliven his campaign using her. We are still suffering the after-effects of the damage she did to our economy. The sad part is that the nation as a whole believes she is a conservative. She is a moral conservative, although her children are a disaster, but she is an economic liberal of the worst kind.
Most people don't see far beyond the rhetoric, so it's just a matter of what rhetoric they align themselves with.
Yeah, but. Palin demonstrated her leadership "ability" when she abandoned the governorship, among many other things. "When people show you who they are, believe them." She is the single reason I didn't vote for McCain and I will always believe she cost him that election.
Beth this is one reason why I didn't like McCain, his and Ted Kennedy sealed Americas fate with tis un-constitutional bill , not long after Eisenhower got tough on illegals about 9 years later they did this. https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=e2b3...2FfYW5kX09yZGVybHlfSW1taWdyYXRpb25fQWN0&ntb=1
I don't follow. How is that bill unconstitutional and what does Eisenhower have to do with it? His presidency ended in 1961...?
Beth if you read some of the information, you'd know but I'll try to tell you, Eisenhower in 1956 sent a couple million illegals back down into South America aka ,'Operation Wetback'. Then Ted Kennedy and McCain was trying to pass bills for broad amnesty just 9 years later. I have nothing against Latinos and have them in my family yet anyone who disagrees with wide open borders is called a bigot, racist person. McCain has been involved in this kind of law a few times.
Don't you just love these debates? I wish we had more good news to discuss. Why I spend so much time in music thread.
I am looking at the congressional record for the bill, and I can’t understand why you think it was unconstitutional, @Marie Mallery , if you can explain why you believe that ? For one thing, the bill was introduced to Congress, but it was never passed or even voted on by the Senate, so it never actually became a bill that became law. The second thing that I do not understand is why you object to the bill in the first place . It states that the government has a priority to protect our borders and secure the safety of American citizens. It says we need to have trained border patrol to oversee the safety of the border. I didn’t read every word, but the outline looks okay to me. Here is the congressional copy of the bill, for anyone interested in reading it for themself. https://www.congress.gov/bill/109th-congress/senate-bill/1033/text
the bill has hidden laws in it too, like the Biden are doing with their spending bills throw in something we will accept then sock it to us in 5000 pages of crap in other ways. They are both long gone now so it really doesn't matter, Reagan did the same thing, gave millions of illegals amnesty, probably listening to Nancy Pants, Evonne sometimes I agree with George Carlon, " Its a club and you ain't in it", [with less vulgarity]. I just do this for entertainment, and boredom nothing I can do about anything they do. Its reminds me of the 1960s movie Clash of The Titans.
I think that was what he intended. His campaign was falling to pieces and he wanted something that would bring attention to his candidacy. Sarah certainly brought attention, but it destroyed her family in the process. As I have said before, the only good thing McCain did in his entire political career was to save Alaska from the Palin governorship.
As the Vice Presidential candidate on a ticket that I didn't intend to vote for anyhow, I didn't do much in the way of research on Sarah Palin. I kind of enjoyed the show, but I wasn't going to buy a ticket.