Maybe I should have taken this advice and sent my 'advice' private. But I do like keeping things in the open, although that is not always a good idea. I just didn't want to speak unless all I'm speaking of is present.
There's nothing wrong with people speaking their mind in public. Ken's request to send him our write-ups privately is to incorporate into the site's About Us page (all websites have them.) He is not soliciting confidential forum feedback. We have a Comments on the Forum area as a public soapbox here. Perhaps your observations might have been a more perfect fit there, but there's nothing wrong with speaking where we can all discuss them.
John, are you kidding, this is broad enough audience for me, see what I get trying to be fair? Next time I'll just invite the other one involved into the private conversation. Of course, I'm not sure who the 'other one' is since there are 4 possibilities. Now look what y'all done to me, turned me into a paranoid senile senior.